My people were slaughtered wholesale during World War 2 simply because they were unarmed. This bill will lead to mass registration and confiscation. The real question is who is getting paid? There is absolutely, positively, undeniable, no reason for this kind of legislation. Zero data backs the claims of those who support it.
After reading part of this it seem to have a lofty goal to bring people out of poverty and feed everyone, as politicians have had thousands of years to do this what makes them think they can do it in the next ten? And the bigger question is why do they need to disarm private citizens to accomplish their goal.
This document is updated every 10 years if the goal is not achieved. If you search for "Agenda 2020", you'll find an almost identical document. Isn't the world going to end by 2030 if we don't 100% embrace "The Green New Deal"? That particular item as seen today is (IIRC) a watered-down version of what the original proposal was: no more private property, basic guaranteed income, etc. etc. No, many people like us will resist to our last fiber - but how many of "us" are over 50? Look how quickly people in their teens - 30's are buying into the propaganda. Cancel culture, defund the police, confiscate firearms... Bidet will be out of office in a few months; then we'll have K-Toe (She-Wold of the SS). If HR 1 passes, we'll never see another fair election. If the gun bills pass, the confiscation won't happen overnight - but we'll have lost or freedom by 2024.
End goal? Disarm everyone. You can't crush someone that can fight back. Our only hope with the current government lies with any Democrats that aren't afraid to stand up and do the right thing.
Democrats are evil.
Done, very easy to do. Put this phone number in my contacts.
I know my representative probably will be in favor of this bill... so I told him to go screw himself.
My people were slaughtered wholesale during World War 2 simply because they were unarmed. This bill will lead to mass registration and confiscation. The real question is who is getting paid? There is absolutely, positively, undeniable, no reason for this kind of legislation. Zero data backs the claims of those who support it.
Call me a "conspiracy theorist" but current events worldwide seem to fit into what's described as "the great reset" or "Agenda 2030" (
After reading part of this it seem to have a lofty goal to bring people out of poverty and feed everyone, as politicians have had thousands of years to do this what makes them think they can do it in the next ten? And the bigger question is why do they need to disarm private citizens to accomplish their goal.
This document is updated every 10 years if the goal is not achieved. If you search for "Agenda 2020", you'll find an almost identical document. Isn't the world going to end by 2030 if we don't 100% embrace "The Green New Deal"? That particular item as seen today is (IIRC) a watered-down version of what the original proposal was: no more private property, basic guaranteed income, etc. etc. No, many people like us will resist to our last fiber - but how many of "us" are over 50? Look how quickly people in their teens - 30's are buying into the propaganda. Cancel culture, defund the police, confiscate firearms... Bidet will be out of office in a few months; then we'll have K-Toe (She-Wold of the SS). If HR 1 passes, we'll never see another fair election. If the gun bills pass, the confiscation won't happen overnight - but we'll have lost or freedom by 2024.
100% agree. What is the end goal of this type of legislation? That's what we need to consider.
End goal? Disarm everyone. You can't crush someone that can fight back. Our only hope with the current government lies with any Democrats that aren't afraid to stand up and do the right thing.
Done takes minutes. Dont waste time do it now