I am a former patch holder of the Iron Order MC. I once had a conversation with an old Outlaw. He told me, "you can wear any patch you are willing to fight for." I've never forgotten it. Which brings me to the subject of this post. We only have the rights we are willing to fight for. The constitution is a piece of paper. WE are the keepers of liberty. When our forefathers took up arms against the King, they were just like you and me. I am not advocating for US citizens to take up arms against our country. I am however saying if 1 million armed Americans came to our nations Capitol and told Congress to LEAVE OUR 2ND AMENDMENT ALONE, they would listen. Walk softly and carry a big stick. It's not against the UCMJ for me to encourage US citizens to exercise their G-d given rights. You have a constitutional right to protest. You have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms. It's not against the law to peaceably assemble while protesting your government. It's not against the law for you to "KEEP AND BEAR ARMS" while protesting either. Any law that prohibits you from exercising any of those rights is unconstitutional. PERIOD. I don't need a law degree from Harvard to tell you that. The only thing you have to fear is fear itself. Not all the men I served with came home. They died defending the cause of Liberty. They died for all of us to exercise our rights. I'm sorry this comment became its own article.

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I am a subscriber and I appreciate your perspective. Giving up my firearms is not going to happen voluntarily for me, if they come to take them away, then I will deal with that as it unfolds. I am still shocked at the degree of mass hysteria around this since these morons think that a gun ban will stop criminals from having guns. Did drug users ever stop using drugs because they were illegal? No, but illegal drugs mean low-quality and dangerous crap being sold on the streets. Maybe if I dissembled my firearms and stored them as "parts" when they come to get me, I can claim I don't have guns, just parts. Hmmm... Anyway, please keep up the great work here in Florida.

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Appears fishy to me how , and I may be wrong, the mass shootings have mainly occurred during a Democrat presidency and definitely not happening while Trump was in office

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I think some if not many of these incidents are false flags.

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Public discussions of compliance are very, very foolish.

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When I read so much about the new gun control ideas that are supposed to stop the shooting that gets so much coverage I always think about how much trouble law enforcement officials have with the number of criminals in the country right now.

How in the world will they ever be able to perform their duties if there are 100 Million NEW and ARMED criminals?

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After watching the video produced by the CEO of Vista Outdoors (CCI, Federal, etc.) I checked the output of the Lake City ammo factory. Regardless of who is managing production at the facility, the output is less than 2 billion rounds per year. So, we're not coming out of this ammo shortage any time soon. Personally I'd be happy to find primers but as you said Lee, if the manufacturers are buying them from overseas, we're screwed for some time.

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