Sunday mailbox: Ammo availability, noncompliance with tyranny and my new platform
In which I try to answer your questions as best as I can.
Thanks to everyone who’s sent in questions.
I try to answer them individually, but lately I’ve noticed there are a lot of common themes, so I’ll do my best to answer these regularly for everyone’s benefit.
The ammo situation
By far, the most questions I receive are about the ammo shortage.
I was just at a gun shop in Lakeland, Florida. The owner wanted $45 for 50 rounds of Winchester white box .45 ACP.
“That’s what it’s going for,” he said. “That’s the going rate.”
I passed.
I honestly don’t see it getting any better anytime soon, folks.
Just do the math. There are 10 million new gun owners. If each of them bought just 100 rounds, that’s 1 billion rounds, and most new gun owners are buying a lot more than 100 rounds.
Now, if you add in the fear and discontent caused by the Harris/Biden regime, the damn pandemic, and the anti-gun shenanigans coming out of Congress — there are even more valid reasons why folks want a stockpile of ammunition rather than a couple boxes.
I can tell you that the manufacturers are running their production lines 24/7, but they’re not catching up.
They’ve heard our wailing and gnashing of teeth, and they’re struggling to meet the demand.
However, until they can produce a surplus of primers and other components, which feed the smaller ammunition manufacturers who are out of stock, the shortage will still haunt us.
If the current crop of anti-gun attempts die in the Senate, things may looses up somewhat, but I’m not holding out a lot of hope.
There’s an old saying, which I will paraphrase: Everyone wants to be a gangster until it’s time to do gangster … stuff.
I received a ton of emails about a story I wrote about how Gun owners may soon have to decide whether they will comply with federal anti-gun laws.
A lot of the questions were very personal — something I’d never share — but based on your responses, there is a real sense of foreboding out there. We may actually have to make a decision soon about whether to comply with a new federal diktat.
I have never dispensed legal advice, nor would I ever recommend that anyone violate federal law. However, for me, personally, I’m not going to comply with a tyrannical federal decree.
That’s about all I can say on this topic.
If you have additional questions, you should consult an attorney.
Do I honestly think it could happen?
Yep. It certainly could. Easily, in fact.
We’re one Senator away from losing the filibuster, and Biden just gave the man’s wife a cushy federal job.
If we lose the filibuster, the Dems can force through whatever they want — even DiFi’s “assault weapon” ban.
Therefore, as I wrote earlier, it certainly is time to start considering what you will do.
When I set up this new site, I made the conscious decision that all of the content would be available free of charge.
Sure, you can subscribe for $5 a month, $50 a year or become a founding member for $100.
If you do, it’s very appreciated, but if you can’t afford it — and I know very well times are tough — that’s okay too.
Rest assured that if you’re a free subscriber, you’re not missing anything.
All of the content is available for free, and that will never change.
As always, thanks for your time.
I am a former patch holder of the Iron Order MC. I once had a conversation with an old Outlaw. He told me, "you can wear any patch you are willing to fight for." I've never forgotten it. Which brings me to the subject of this post. We only have the rights we are willing to fight for. The constitution is a piece of paper. WE are the keepers of liberty. When our forefathers took up arms against the King, they were just like you and me. I am not advocating for US citizens to take up arms against our country. I am however saying if 1 million armed Americans came to our nations Capitol and told Congress to LEAVE OUR 2ND AMENDMENT ALONE, they would listen. Walk softly and carry a big stick. It's not against the UCMJ for me to encourage US citizens to exercise their G-d given rights. You have a constitutional right to protest. You have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms. It's not against the law to peaceably assemble while protesting your government. It's not against the law for you to "KEEP AND BEAR ARMS" while protesting either. Any law that prohibits you from exercising any of those rights is unconstitutional. PERIOD. I don't need a law degree from Harvard to tell you that. The only thing you have to fear is fear itself. Not all the men I served with came home. They died defending the cause of Liberty. They died for all of us to exercise our rights. I'm sorry this comment became its own article.
I am a subscriber and I appreciate your perspective. Giving up my firearms is not going to happen voluntarily for me, if they come to take them away, then I will deal with that as it unfolds. I am still shocked at the degree of mass hysteria around this since these morons think that a gun ban will stop criminals from having guns. Did drug users ever stop using drugs because they were illegal? No, but illegal drugs mean low-quality and dangerous crap being sold on the streets. Maybe if I dissembled my firearms and stored them as "parts" when they come to get me, I can claim I don't have guns, just parts. Hmmm... Anyway, please keep up the great work here in Florida.