If you aren't breaking into peoples homes, you have NOTHING to worry about.

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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Lee, your target audience ,(no pun intended), would probably have zero issue defending themselves and their home and family from a toolbag like Harris. That said, if you've never been in combat, that initial adrenaline surge causes a lot of misses. I imagine the average burglar/home invader/uninvited violent knob would hightail it at the first incoming fire. Good on the sheriff for offering the kind of gun control that I find useful.

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Another good example of why we need guns. Police can’t be everywhere. I did love the sheriff’s comments about gun classes. We need more sheriffs like him.

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The Soros team will be after Sheriff Johnson now. He practices and encourages REAL gun control. HITTING YOUR TARGET. Since the property owner missed the home invader, I hope he/she didn't break something valuable in their home. I was just imagining a large screen TV behind the invader as he leaped out the window.

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Sheriff Johnson will be re-elected in a landslide. To give you an example of how red the panhandle is, Soros tried to target Matt Getz in 2020 here by funding a commiecrat, they had political adds running for him over and over again on tv. Soros spent a couple million, Getz did not spend a dime campaigning and ran zero tv adds, he won 97% of the vote. So yeah let Soros waste money.

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That sounds great! I was at Corry Station a couple years ago ;-) and liked the place a lot back then. It sounds like it may have improved a lot!

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