I quit watching Real Time long ago, but came upon this segment which I though was pretty good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0Lc5b8Flto

This is the fellow who defended that Nazi march through a Jewish neighborhood in the 80s(?). He's Jewish to boot.

Yes, the ACLU is now far from it's founding principles. It should not exist. These days their focus is helping foreign invaders avoid our laws.

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Stop blaming any organization for its leaders actions, it's not a sentience being, but those allowed to now be its leaders, are! “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

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“sees the ACLU for what they truly are — a bunch of well-financed, woke hypocrites.”

No they are not. They are communists, ACLU might as well stand for American Communists Loser Union. The long March through the institutions is now baring its poison fruit. The ADL is another once great organization that is now completely corrupted by the Marxists.

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Ive said for the last forty years that I'd have a lot more respect for the ACLU if they defended the entire Bill of Rights and not just the parts they like.

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As I read through Mr. Williams article I seem to be able to find the roots

of the Defund the Police movement. Correct me if I am wrong.

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Huh?? I would strongly suggest you read it again, maybe a bit slower. Your comment is so wrong I don't even know how to respond.

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I don't understand how you expect someone to correct you if your statement is only an implication. Unless your purpose was only to be a troll, please elucidate the conclusion implied in your comment. There are several ways to interpret it.

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