You can't blame them for rolling out an actor given how incredibly unpopular and generally incoherent Biden is. If he does run for re-election it may be the first time in American history that the candidate won't be allowed to make any campaign appearances.

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I've liked most of the movies I've seen with Mr McConaughey in them, but this latest role isn't among them. This 3rd term for Obama is a good example of why the country previously decided to limit the number of terms for president. The 'fundamental transformation' that has changed to an 'incredible transition' is much more destructive than any campaign, waged by outside forces, that the country has ever faced before.

The 'barbarians' have gotten well beyond the gates.

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Mathew McConaughey called for extended background check on all gun purchases, increase the buying age to 21, implement red flag laws nationally and institute a national waiting period,

And Here's the issues with all that.

1. Criminals don't do background checks they just buy on the black market or steal them. Most denials are false and are overturned. How many active killers passed background checks? And how many active killers passed background checks because our government dropped the ball and didn't report them?

2. Increasing the buying age to 21

Denying 18-20 year olds of their Constitutional Rights and denying someone's right to self defense should be criminal. How many collage age adults are dealing with stalker situations right now and your ok with disarming them?

3. National Red Flag Laws

Red Flag Laws are a clear violation of Due Process. We already have a vehicle to seek mental health help. Here in FL it's called the Baker act. We have already seen how red flag laws are weaponized by angry exes, family members, neighbors and even anti-gunners reporting pro rights individuals.

4. Waiting Periods.

Lets circle back around. Look back at 18 21 year olds. Denying someone's ability to purchase a firearm to protect themselves from a stalker is not only disgusting it's dangerous.

Carol Bowne was killed in Berlin New Jersey waiting for a gun permit. She applied months earlier and was still waiting. Her ex walked right through a restraining order and killed her in her own driveway. And there's countless other stories just like that. Ignoring the facts doesn't make them go away.

Waiting Periods or as they were first sold Cool Down Periods have done nothing but disarm victims. If people are intent on commiting a violent act no waiting period is going to stop them.

Here's my opinion of what has to be done and done right now.

Eliminate all Gun Free Zones and Prohibited places. Over 90% of all active killer situations have been committed in GFZ since it's creation in 1994 It's fact that evil doer's seek the path of less resistance and what's better then a gun free zone?

Allow school staff members and parents to carry on campus grounds. We already have hundreds of thousands staff members and millions of parents that already carry on a daily basis but are prohibited on school grounds.

The government needs to admit and come clean with it's citizens that the police have NO CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY to protect you or your kids and self protection is our responsibility and ours alone. People need to understand that we're our own first responders and police, firefighters and EMT's are secondary responders.

Stop releasing violent criminals back on our streets. Stop with the smacks on the wrist of violent thugs.

Long-term sentences need to be handed down for violent gang activities and every violent illegal alien needs to be deported after time is served. And if they return it's an automatic death sentence. Capital crimes need to be met with capital punishment. Within 3-5 years.

If mental illnesses can't be treated with medications or individuals refuse to take medications then they need to be removed from society and put in treatment centers until they've shown vast improvement and no longer pose a danger to themselves or others.

And to be clear not all mental health illnesses require for those people to be prohibited from owning or carrying firearms. Because not all individuals with mental illnesses are a danger to others or themselves.

We can do a lot to #fixit by implementing programs like FASTER SAVES LIVES and hardening all our schools K-12 , Collages and medical facilities.

We can't legislate evil by implementing laws that prevent good people from protecting themselves and others from evil doers.

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"The Biden-Harris administration has more than 70 staffers working on its social media and external communications,"

Trump did all that by himself.

As much as I like Bret Bair his interview with McConaughey showed how much Chris Wallace has rubbed off on him.

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Bret was absolutely gushing. It was sick, man. He lost all composure.

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I couldn’t watch Bret’s interview. I just knew I’d be really pissed off.

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Guess McConaughey figured out the Democrats puffing him for Governor of Texas wasn't going to work out in his lifetime, might as well stick to his usual message.

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Here is my opinion on what he proposed.

-"Restrain sensationalized media coverage" (in other words government censorship) NOPE not happening.

-“Background checks" (already the law and I would remind him the Uvalde shooter passed a background check) NOPE not happening.

- “Raise age for AR-15s” (if you are old enough to vote and serve in the military, then you are old enough to buy and own any firearm) NOPE not happening.

- “Waiting period” (can’t think of any state tha does not have a waiting period and again this would not have stopped the Uvalde shooter) NOPE not happening.

- “Red flag laws.” (direct violation of due process, unconstitutional and once again would have done nothing to stop the Uvalde shooter) NOPE not happening.

These I agree with and will help.

- "Invest in mental health care"

- "Safer schools"

- "Restore American values" (this one is a show stopper for the commiecrat marxists)

I'm just wondering a bit about those shoes displayed. They looked perfectly new. They did not look "worn to school every day." They looked like they had never been worn and considering what they've supposedly been through, I just can't believe they could be made to look perfectly brand new. Makes me wonder about the whole staging of his speech, the manipulation here.

And when he said the little girl wearing them could not be identified except by her shoes I said to myself, what did the shooter use a bazooka or grenades? A 5.56 won’t do that. I think there was some, shall we say embellishment going on there.

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Hard pass on this pothead's gun control push.

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