WE THE PEOPLE do have the power to end this BS.

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Anything is the answer. The courts are slow walking everything until the scotus changes composition. They feel like the blues will eventually control the elections completely and all they have to do is wait. Their wet dream is to classify every semi auto as a machine gun, subject them to the NFA/Hughes and one day ban everything.

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Couldn't agree more, Zach, They won't stop until there is total civilian disarmament.

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I know this will be an unpopular comment, and I hate to make it, but I've always called an "ace a ace, and a spade a spade". But didn't Trump do the exact same thing with bumpstocks? Now the SCOTUS is correcting that mess, I believe they will correct this as well. Yes it's total BS I agree.

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Answer: white, Christian, males

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