
What exactly is it going to take to make the leaders of the 2nd Ammendment Movement (for want of a better term) to get off their asses and get some serious legislation passed? This "Carry a gun in Church" crap is simply feel good window dressing.

When laws are passed and the feds are actively enacting them (and you know they have Florida targeted) it will be too late. Where is the NRA? Where are our state reps?

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Apr 6, 2021Liked by Lee Williams

The police never owned the private property purchased lawfully by law-abiding citizens therefore it's not a "sell back" transaction, it's confiscation.

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I couldn't agree more, and I too am getting sick of that "buy back" bullshit. They say it to soften the blow. It is and always will be confiscation.

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Apr 6, 2021Liked by Lee Williams

This is the kind of thing that makes me day drink.

Anyone want to hazard a guess as to whether this will end with people giving up their magazines, ignoring the law, marching on the State House or bloodshed?

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Let's be clear here. The program we are looking out was published by Biden


Read it. Forget buying ammo thru the mail, forget buying "gun parts" thru the internet.

I don't understand what our legislators are thinking. When this stuff happens it is too late.

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So my Luger Snail Drum mags are now no-no's. Amazing.

Forget I mentioned them.

What Snail Drums???

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OTOH what will they pay? How long a window to "sell back"? Need you be a resident?

I see a distinct business opportunity here.

Magazine Arbitrage LLC

A Myakka City concern


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