Poor training, no accountability, a license to shoot people and get away with it. The ATF is a danger to Americans, not just to our basic civil liberties but to our very lives. I am fine with keeping guns out of the hands of criminals but we should accomplish that by locking the criminals up where they can't obtain firearms, not harassing law abiding citizens.

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With you 100% on that.

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Defund and eliminate 95% of the illegal ( constitutionally) alphabet agencies arrest the murderers and send to 8x10 dark cell in Gitmo for life

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The fundamental problem is that there is a BATFE. The general acceptance of unconstitutional laws based in invalid assertions are what create this perceived "need". We should question the need.

The operating model of the BATFE, as politicized as it has become, puts both agents and the public at great risk. This follows a general pattern of decades old misplaced priorities, with little to know risk/benefit analysis. It is not simply a lack of training, but very much a problem with the training that is provided.

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That group of cowboys is a thorn in the side of Law Enforcement. My guess is the case is open because ATF has yet to repair the damages to the Manley home. That case should have been slammed shut.

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Totally agree. They used basically one witness to get their search warrant!!! I'm gonna go after it when the document becomes available. I can't believe they hit this family.

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And the AH they used is probably a CI who picked up a few bucks as a reward.

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As part of the inquiry, the process for obtaining that warrant needs to be examined. The judge who issued held to account and the evidence provided the judge critically evaluated. Either the judge circumvented his duty or someone lied to the judge.

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Oh come on, they have more than one kid, they have guns, they are straight and black...

RPGs are not good enough for them.

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If they follow past patterns, the damage will be compounded. That the public is aware and asking may prompt the need to cover the agencies collective hind quarters, and one way typically used is to go after an innocent citizen with the full force and resources of the federal government. Sad, unjust, but not unprecedented.

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We don’t need the ATF, we have the FBI. 🤡 We are all so screwed in this lawlessness where our corrupt leaders are doing everything they can to destroy our God given rights to defend ourselves.

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Totally, agree!

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As a retired cop, I read about these search warrant services and wonder who in the F is letting them do this. It is hard to imagine a more out of control LE agency.

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Damn it Lee the ATF or otherwise known as Biden’s AFT needs to be investigated and disbanded immediately! They’re an F’in disgrace! Probably DEI hires like the FBI lead investigator in NOLA yesterday, the nose ring 💍 bandit! Pathetic… Our institutions have been compromised and eroded from the inside out.

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Well put and nicely investigated, but wow--so many depressing facts in the article

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Thanks, WT.

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The clowns just wanted a little practice raiding.

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ATF should be in the first tier of corrupt agencies to be investigated by D.O.G.E! Totally defund it until DJT has time to decide how best to deal with this bunch of miscreants

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put the period just before "until" and I'm with you ;-).

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Either way is fine with me as long as long as this throw back agency is put in the garbage can of history!

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Me too

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They find nothing on Manley, yet are still in the clear to keep the investigation open. It's unbelievable they can keep getting away with this sickening level of incompetence. Appreciate the update you've written up.

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Thanks, Liz.

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The ATF and other legal gangs, are why we have the 2nd Amendment.

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It is more likely that those BATFE agents were armed variants of M16 and M4 s (with burst and full auto functions) rather than AR-15 single shot riffles. Other than that...;-).

An even simpler solution is ask why the BATFE exists and challenge the need. It arose from the need to enforce alcohol and tobacco taxes. It's scope and potential to violate fundamental human rights and cause general mayhem has expanded exponentially from these humble beginnings. If we were to acknowledge the words in the US constitution as written, the "F" and E" would eliminated.

On a lighter note, I recall the comment of a good friend and former secret service member when the "E" was added to BATF: "it sounds more like a party than a legitimate law enforcement agency!".

Be careful out there!

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They are anti constitutional anti American anti human they should be raided and shut down once and for all. These scum are the real weapons of war

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And they have all us gun owners in a massive database which is illegal in itself.

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It was supposed to be a massive firefight, like it would be here. Then after everyone is dead, they can create the narrative. Instead…

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Time for the early morning mass attack tactics used by the ATF and FBI to end! All you are doing is stirring up the public to a shoot first ask questions later tactic of their own! As a matter of fact I think the entire DOJ needs to go…

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Abolish the ATF!

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There is a bill before Congress to end the ATF. Urge your congresscritters to support this bill.

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