Good I hope he wins the federal law suit and bankrupts the town. Then all the Ken's and Karen's can freak out when the town cant fill pot holes. Not mention I thought holding someone indefinitely was against his constituional rights?!?! He hould sue for that too.

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Agreed. I think his federal civil rights lawsuit is a slam-dunk, and now he has real damages.

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Any time you move inside a city limits you've established domicile in a dictatorship. ALL CITIES are dictatorships ruled by petty, incompetent, power-driven fools and fascist code Nazis. Counties, which normally contain a lot of agricultural land, are usually much more forgiving of gunfire and people's lifestyles.

Banyai should carefully deconstruct his gun range so it could be rebuilt elsewhere, sell that property and move to the county, assuming the county allows shooting on rural land.

Better still, he should get the hell out of the fascist state of Vermont as fast as he can.

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Time for the return of killdozer 2.0?

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Just another example of government over reach! The government does not care one bit about your rights. Most people in office have no idea what is in the constitution. If given a test, most would fail. Maybe a test of what is in the constitution should have to be taken before you could run for public office?????

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"They/Them" know what is in the constitution, ...... They just Don't Care. Vermont's Motto makes it clear "UNITY" in All Thought Practices. New England & Vermont are all very "European" ProgreSSive.


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Michael was a Green Beret at 19 yrs of age, while older and now overweight, the last seconds of this video show a man not to be "messed" with.

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It's Vermont--the state that elected Bernie as an "independent." I might look into the most objectionable but legal thing I could do with that land and say F Y to the town and state.

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I couldn't agree more!!!! This really sucks, but he did it for his livestock, which is the right thing to do.

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The problem is that he wasn’t doing anything illegal in the first place and the townspeople got their state senator and governor to create a bill making it illegal. Does that mean anyone can do that in order to violate your personal rights?

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When someone has nothing left to lose, they're a dangerous animal.

Cities that do crap like this had better start waking up.

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That's it exactly.

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1775 is not far off, inevitable when the NWO owns the Feral and many State govs. The other alternative is 1861, just don't let the Ferals goad you/me/we into firing First on "Ft Sumter".

Defending your life is still "Legal" in some jurisdictions, but not all, comrades.


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This is beyond sad and shows how our country is moving away from protecting people’s constitutional rights. This is also a perfect example of why people are moving to states, counties & cities that align with their beliefs. The people of the town that initiated all this, thinks it is a great win for them, until the government comes in and takes away their freedoms they value. They got their state senator and governor to help them, but they fail to remember the words that a wise man once spoke: “What they do for you, they will do to you.”

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Sorry, but no one has a constitutional right to run a paramilitary training camp.

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And just because someone says it’s a paramilitary camp doesn’t mean it is. That would be like having one of your neighbors report you to the police as a terrorist because you own a gun. And he has a right to defend himself and they didn’t even allow him that, all because the locals don’t want him to have a shooting range.

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I pray he wins the federal lawsuit, big time.

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Sue the Snot out of them. The corrupt judge, the city council members, and any one else you can think of. Good luck Daniel.

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Just remember...Vermont is the state that gave us Bernie Sanders as their US Senator!

This is a horrible government over-reach. Environmental judge? What will they think of next?

I hope he can stick it to the man!

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