We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Nice excerpt I’ve read it many times over the years, it’s like a warning shot fired over the bow letting those that disagree with it there will be consequences. The question is what are we gonna do? It’s been talked about in depth on all the program podcast and social media but I’ve never heard an definitive answer. I think everyone knows the answer and everyone is afraid to say it out loud. “ from my cold dead hands” is just what it will be if you go in alone. Noncompliance in large groups stand a chance of making a statement, in that group there needs to be a leader who can bring it together and also in the group men and women in uniform, sheriff, city police, state police national guardsmen and hundreds if not thousands of law abiding citizens, even politicians. Lee you have a large audience, you started a conversation now speak out and continue.
Go to FIJA.ORG and educate yourself about the power in the hands of a jury. Anyone charged under a proposed gun ban statute will have the right to a jury trial. It only takes one "Not Guilty" vote to hang a jury. We have weapons available to us to fight this going forward. Learn about them, and pass them on.
If it comes to a jury trial you are well and truly screwed already. The point is that the justice system is designed to punish from the moment you are arrested.
Unless some organization is willing to underwrite your defense be prepared to be bankrupt. The reason that the feds have an obscenely high conviction rate is that they stack charges so that it is virtually impossible to defend and so that when they offer you a plea bargain of 5 years you'll take it gladly.
I am very concerned about the firearms legislation that is pending in Washington. It seems to me a response from you would make a powerful statement. If you were to make a declaration that our state is a Second Amendment Sanctuary and that State law enforcement will not cooperate at all with the federal government in the enforcement of any new gun control laws. I would like you to consider this course of action and take a leadership position on it first in Florida then on a national level.
Individual action is virtually meaningless which is why I have been howling about the need for legislation that declares Florida (and other states) Second amendment Sanctuaries. The point is that it makes a POLITICAL statement and that translates into votes which is the only thing that motivates our political class.
Where is Rubio? Where is Scott? Where is every congressperson that sees things the way we do?
They MUST stand up and be counted. As do our representatives at a State level.
If the house bill as it is is passed by the Senate Biden will sign it then it is too late for political action on the federal level and I think Florida is in a position politically to tell the feds to back off. DeSantis or Florida state attorney general Moody need to ask legislatures to put on the governor’s desk a bill for Florida to be a sanctuary state. And governor DeSantis need to tell Florida LEO’s to stand down on any new federal laws that potentially violate the Constitution of the United States and Florida Constitution.
I agree with you Ed but no one thought it would get this bad, I think a political solution at the state level is the best answer now. I think the real question is what will you do if that doesn’t happen fast enough? I think most people know that answer but are afraid to post it in fear of retaliation.
I am very pleased with the job you are doing. I can't believe that I am actually saying that to a politician but it is true.
I am very concerned about the firearms legislation that is pending in Washington. It seems to me that the correct response, on a State level, is to make a declaration that our state is a Second Amendment Sanctuary and that State law enforcement will not cooperate at all with the federal government in the enforcement of unconstitutional gun control laws
I would like you to consider this course of action and to take a leadership position on it, on a national level ideally.
Agree with the comments about group action and leadership being needed, such as Florida being a 2nd amendment sanctuary state, to keep the Federal boot off individual necks. But how sad is it that the word "sanctuary" is needed to ensure a right specified in the constitution? I think DeSantis has the guts to do this in Florida, but in D.C. I'm not seeing much backbone. What a shock!
Vern Buchanan recently sent an email poll to gauge support for universal background checks. About 90% agreed with it - the highest number I've ever seen in one of his surveys. The anti's are obviously winning the public opinion battle.
I took my oath 50 years ago at age 20 and feel the same way you do, Lee, but we'll need millions more of like mindset to fight this.
The problem is that no one asks why the background check capability is not available to anyone selling a firearms. I'd use it if it were. The point of the check, as currently defined, is to to actually check backgrounds, it is to enforce sale thru an FFL thus creating registration.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
~Excerpt from the Declaration of Independence
Nice excerpt I’ve read it many times over the years, it’s like a warning shot fired over the bow letting those that disagree with it there will be consequences. The question is what are we gonna do? It’s been talked about in depth on all the program podcast and social media but I’ve never heard an definitive answer. I think everyone knows the answer and everyone is afraid to say it out loud. “ from my cold dead hands” is just what it will be if you go in alone. Noncompliance in large groups stand a chance of making a statement, in that group there needs to be a leader who can bring it together and also in the group men and women in uniform, sheriff, city police, state police national guardsmen and hundreds if not thousands of law abiding citizens, even politicians. Lee you have a large audience, you started a conversation now speak out and continue.
Will do, Ken. This was part 1.
Go to FIJA.ORG and educate yourself about the power in the hands of a jury. Anyone charged under a proposed gun ban statute will have the right to a jury trial. It only takes one "Not Guilty" vote to hang a jury. We have weapons available to us to fight this going forward. Learn about them, and pass them on.
If it comes to a jury trial you are well and truly screwed already. The point is that the justice system is designed to punish from the moment you are arrested.
Unless some organization is willing to underwrite your defense be prepared to be bankrupt. The reason that the feds have an obscenely high conviction rate is that they stack charges so that it is virtually impossible to defend and so that when they offer you a plea bargain of 5 years you'll take it gladly.
Ed in Myakka sent an email to Governor DeSantis, I think it’s a great start so I also sent one.
governorron.desantis@eog.myflorida.com copy Ed’s or mine if you like or compose your own.
Dear Governor DeSantis,
I am very concerned about the firearms legislation that is pending in Washington. It seems to me a response from you would make a powerful statement. If you were to make a declaration that our state is a Second Amendment Sanctuary and that State law enforcement will not cooperate at all with the federal government in the enforcement of any new gun control laws. I would like you to consider this course of action and take a leadership position on it first in Florida then on a national level.
Best regards,
Well done!
n.b. Use your own name!!!
Individual action is virtually meaningless which is why I have been howling about the need for legislation that declares Florida (and other states) Second amendment Sanctuaries. The point is that it makes a POLITICAL statement and that translates into votes which is the only thing that motivates our political class.
Where is Rubio? Where is Scott? Where is every congressperson that sees things the way we do?
They MUST stand up and be counted. As do our representatives at a State level.
Someone has to lead. Anybody?
Gentlemen I’m a simple man. Don’t hold your breath for Rubio or Scott. There’s a simple reason why the NRA Chose Texas over Florida.
Not Rubio for certain.
If the house bill as it is is passed by the Senate Biden will sign it then it is too late for political action on the federal level and I think Florida is in a position politically to tell the feds to back off. DeSantis or Florida state attorney general Moody need to ask legislatures to put on the governor’s desk a bill for Florida to be a sanctuary state. And governor DeSantis need to tell Florida LEO’s to stand down on any new federal laws that potentially violate the Constitution of the United States and Florida Constitution.
"In a position"? It is the only political recourse and should have been done a long time ago.
I agree with you Ed but no one thought it would get this bad, I think a political solution at the state level is the best answer now. I think the real question is what will you do if that doesn’t happen fast enough? I think most people know that answer but are afraid to post it in fear of retaliation.
Lee, you can drive it. Get busy.
My note to the guv:
Dear Governor DeSantis,
I am very pleased with the job you are doing. I can't believe that I am actually saying that to a politician but it is true.
I am very concerned about the firearms legislation that is pending in Washington. It seems to me that the correct response, on a State level, is to make a declaration that our state is a Second Amendment Sanctuary and that State law enforcement will not cooperate at all with the federal government in the enforcement of unconstitutional gun control laws
I would like you to consider this course of action and to take a leadership position on it, on a national level ideally.
Very well said, may I copy it?
Feel free.
Agree with the comments about group action and leadership being needed, such as Florida being a 2nd amendment sanctuary state, to keep the Federal boot off individual necks. But how sad is it that the word "sanctuary" is needed to ensure a right specified in the constitution? I think DeSantis has the guts to do this in Florida, but in D.C. I'm not seeing much backbone. What a shock!
Vern Buchanan recently sent an email poll to gauge support for universal background checks. About 90% agreed with it - the highest number I've ever seen in one of his surveys. The anti's are obviously winning the public opinion battle.
I took my oath 50 years ago at age 20 and feel the same way you do, Lee, but we'll need millions more of like mindset to fight this.
The problem is that no one asks why the background check capability is not available to anyone selling a firearms. I'd use it if it were. The point of the check, as currently defined, is to to actually check backgrounds, it is to enforce sale thru an FFL thus creating registration.