Another fine Article Lee, and it got Me to remember something I recall President Trump telling Us.."They're not after Me, They're after You. I'm just in the way. If I remembered that wrong, feel free to correct. Common sense tells Us, that a Gov't that does nothing to Protect Our Children and Schools, but it's only Concern is to Disarm Law Abiding Citizens. Whats wrong with that Picture. Keep keeping Us Informed Lee!! Thanks

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Thanks, Keith!

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Thanks for the heads up.

I have never understood the bloombergs of the world. They are arguably very bright and successful people, misinformed maybe, but still intelligent. He has spent millions on this irrational crusade. But what I can't decipher is what is in it for them? Is it simply notoriety? Is it some sort of God complex? Is it they think they will actually disarm (all) Americans. Do they believe their utopian unicorn fairy dust fantasies? Or is it simply they want "the little people" disarmed, so they will be able to rule with less "friction"?

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It's power pure and simple.

"Gun control" is never about the guns, it's about the control of the People. Self defense is a natural right. Some, including myself, call it God given.

By taking away the common man's right to pursue self defense in its most pure form, they are separating themselves from the common man. Representatives are no longer servants of the people, they are those who rule over the general public. The rich, such as Bloomberg, pay others to defend their lives because they feel that they are entitled to better protection than the average person.

They think that they are better than you, via electoral might or political connections, and they have no problem trampling on the common man's heads, or rights, to get what they want.

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"We the People" "the right of the People" Seems cut and dry. Scoreboard Mr Bloomberg. Next?

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Great to hear from you, brother!

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Both of You need to do a Blast from the Past Podcast. To see if the "Young Gun" still has a Fast Draw??? Classic!!!

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Oh I do my brother! I have a new handgun shipping and I'm going to do a complete review of it very soon.

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Bloomborg is a brother-Fascist to Lenin, Stalin, & Mussolini. Whar else do we need to know?

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The Duke University Center for Firearms Law is Bloomberg’s most important—and most insidious—anti-gun propagandist. Once his other minions have succeeded in changing the public mindset, the Duke Firearms Law Center will be ready the change the law.

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