Great article Lee, thanks for doing the work for us. I am skeptical whenever a liberal leftist propaganda organization pivots away from a once trusted source. From my experience I have learned that when a leftist suddenly appears to move toward the political center it's because they 'must' in order to gain what's essential to continue their objective. It's the Election Silly Season, where every leftist wolf puts on their sheep costume for a little while and takes it off once they strengthen their organization to continue their battle against the very people, they claim they serve.

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The way to reduce crime is to stop reporting crimes when they happen. Like magic crime rates go down. With many of the largest cities no longer reporting to the Federal databases the media can claim violent crime is going down while citing reports that are not capturing a significant percentage of those crimes.

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Bloomberg, Mini Mike, the guns for me but not for thee hypocrite. Oh, yes, The same Mini Mike that had had his goons travel around the southeast buying guns trying to prove that the FFL dealers were running guns into NYC, yes, the same Mini Mike that bribed the Bermuda Government so his armed goons could bring THEIR guns there to protect his sorry behind.

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Are they parting ways or is The Trace just using two sets of (faulty) data? I'm not sure I understand the claim they are parting ways if the tabloid is just using a second source to support their yellow journalism.

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