At first I was like "Trump 2024!". But then I was like....*bump stock ban...booo"

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Still better than this rotting bag of oatmeal that's in the White House.

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Don't play any drinking games tonight. Just sayin.

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Tell that to all of the FFLs that have been arrested and shut down by Biden's DOJ/ATF. Or do you call it the AFT too, like Brandon does?

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Why the rude tude dood? Lee Williams can attest to my political purity. You must not be familiar with the purpose of a drinking game.

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Sorry for the rudeness. I didn't get the drinking game reference but I do know that POS is going to try and speak to us tonight like we're the problem. Sorry, just frustrated when people don't just vote for the lesser of two evils and it's obvious who it is here in this election. Take care!

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All good. 🖖

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Oh. Yes. The scary "ghost gun."

The government's major hiccup about privately manufactured firearms is that they can't trace them. Not that tracing a firearm ever contributed to a criminal investigation.

No, they're only interested in who owns them so they can be gathered up whenever their pipe dream of confiscation occurs.

Sorry, Stevie. We're not playing. Trump's bump stock regulation is clearly unconstitutional since bump stocks don't meet the statutory definition of a machine gun. Congressional (not Executive) action required. SBRs/SBSs should be removed from the NFA along with silencers. Their inclusion was pointless in the first place.

There's more, but I've ranted enough for a Thursday morning.

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Totally agree. Americans have been making guns in their homes since before there was a United States of America.

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IF he does “iron his PJs”, I’ll bet he uses a “high-capacity” iron. But, I doubt the director of all “AFT agents” could actually handle that complex task himself. And, if he actually DID attempt it, he would probably burn himself – IF he figured out that the iron must be plugged in, first.

I started taking notes while watching the debacle, but I had to stop about halfway through. It was taking WAY too long to note all the mistakes. Besides, I couldn’t see straight anymore after taking a shot every time he said, “Right?”. :)

I counted more than six safety violations before the halfway point.

Keep in mind, this was the “AFT agent” that the director of the “AFT” said was one of their “leading experts” AND this was not an impromptu thing. These guys had PLENTY of time to practice their lies and deceptions and unsafe handling / disassembly attempts…and they still SUCKED!

Did you notice how the interviewer’s demeanor changed when she heard the words “ghost gun”? She was perfectly calm when the “leading agent” showed her a rifle that was “privately made”. But, as soon as the director breathlessy jumped in, after realizing he nearly missed his cue to say the magic words, the interviewer gets visibly “triggered”. Then she points at it and says, in her loudest voice yet, “THIS is a ‘ghost gun’?” As the director explains further, the interviewer’s eyes squinted, then opened wide as she very intently exchanged stares between the tiny piece of plastic he was showing her and the exact same rifle she showed virtually no interest in a few seconds prior.

At about the 17:00 minute mark, the director then complains about how many guns are made in the US and trafficked into Mexico – which is EXACTLY what then-AG Eric Holder did PURPOSEFULLY during the fatal Operation Fast and Furious!

(19:50-19:52) The director says, regarding Federal Firearms Licensees (FFL), “We respect you. We depend on you.” Mr. Director, even though you cannot define “assault weapon”, are you able to define “respect”? (See Lee Williams’ article: “SPECIAL REPORT: ATF Federal Firearm License revocations up a staggering 500%” for details on how he is absolutely DISrespecting them.)

(03:58-05:15) The director says, “This relates to this notion that, what’s called a Short-Barreled Rifle [SBR]…So there’s two things going here, one is that you can shoulder a weapon. It makes it easier, tactically [what?], to use, to aim, to fire. Right? [DRINK…hiccup! :)] Its’ a, it’s a more accurate, lethal weapon.” Isn’t being more accurate a GOOD thing? Does the “AFT” director want people to use inaccurate guns? Exactly how “accurate” does the director believe is too accurate? Yet, later in the video (about the 14:45 mark), the director talks about how fully automatic guns are unsafe because they are not as accurate. Mr. Director, which is it? How, exactly, does this make a gun more “lethal”? Exactly how “lethal” is too lethal?

Do not forget that these are not just laymen that make these mistakes; even though they had unlimited time to practice. These are the unelected dimwits that are “in charge” of the anti-constitutional (a.k.a. illegal) federal agency that is supposed to SECURE our rights, but are weaponizing their severe dumbassery, power, and virtually unlimited resources (provided to them by YOUR tax money) to disarm you!

P.S. I would REEEEAAAALLLLLLYYYYY like to shoot that SAW!!!!

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The fact that Obama always surrounded himself with incompetent individuals has me believing he's the one pulling all the strings on the puppets in this administration. It's his signature. Obama wants an incompetent leadership to be on full display to the nation. He loves to mock the government of the once Greatest Nation on Earth.

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I really wish they had the rifle that would load from a 75 round clip.

It must be a heavily modified Garand or something, right? <grin>

In centuries past, weren't the tyrants at least a little smarter than this? It's hard to believe that people would ever put up with morons like that guy before politics became so pervasive.

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The local ATF agents I deal with as an FFL are pretty decent guys, other than working for the ATF, and seem to be "gun guys". The higher up you go, the less they know about firearms because they are appointed based on politics rather than competence. Tom Vilsack is the Secretary of Agriculture but as far as I can tell he has never worked on a farm in his life. Xavier Becerra is the Secretary of Health & Human Services but has been a lawyer and politician his entire career and has no experience in either health or human services. Pete Buttigieg is the Secretary of Transportation but has no experience in transportation, his only qualifications being that he was the failed mayor of the 4th largest city in Indiana and having sex with men. On and on....

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The problem with this "show and tell" presentation is that the audience, gun haters, took all the "experts" misinformation propaganda as gospel. Had the shows producers been interested in honest journalism they would have included representatives of 2A organizations or of the firearms industry to offer opposing (in this case, truthful) viewpoints. The left wing haters have a captured audience they use to full effect.

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Mr. Williams, to answer the Last Question: NO

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