Excellent piece, Lee. Americans have never run and hid. I for one will never bow down to any terrorist. I think there MANY more Americans just like me. STAY LOCKED AND LOADED!!!

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Thanks, brother

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Thanks Lee for addressing this topic. I would add that if you are a conceal carrying gun owner that you add to your training and practice sessions an element of surprise and stress. When doing dry fire training work your heart rate up, do an exercise which increases the blood pressure, then evaluate your abilities---know your weaknesses.


To expand your knowledge of how you'll react under duress, you don't need to live fire---most ranges don't allow it anyway. But you can use barrel and magazine block systems and lasers to safely train while imposed stress is introduced.


And if you don't already know your state's self-defense use-of-force laws and understand the legal language and how it will be interpreted by your local jurisdiction within various real-life scenarios, you should actively pursue that essential information.


You're only as good as the self-defense failures you fixed---what self-defense failures have you fixed lately?

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Thanks for the comments, David. Spot on.

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The gun haters, who hate law enforcement as well, love to claim that constitutional carry will endanger our officers (as if they actually care about them). They claim that the officers won't know who's legally carrying and who's illegally carrying. Two of the first rules I learned when I went into law enforcement nearly 50 years ago was: "treat everyone as if they are armed" and "never assume the person you encounter is following the law". Any LEO will know and follow these rules so constitutional, or unconstitutional, carry is not a problem for them.

I remember when the Run, Hide, Fight video was shown at my office. What a worthless piece of fantasy! I couldn't believe that my former agency was putting out such bulls#!t propaganda. The whole time I'm thinking: (1) I'm old, I can't run like I used to, (2) I'm big, I can't hide very well, and (3) As I said, I'm old, I can't fight like I could in my 20's and 30's - and, I'm supposed to use a chair or fire extinguisher against a man with a shotgun? On the other hand, I can and do still shoot well.

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Well, If "anyone" should "know about" Tourism Attacks it would be Doofus FIB Wray. Did he get his info from Invasion Chiefus DHS Myorkas ???

Of course these DC Coupist Ferals don't talk to each other !!! (Sarc)

and the FIB has such a Consistent Record since OK City bombing, Waco & Ruby Ridge, 9/11, ignoring Russian Warnings on the Boston Marathon bombers, or Garland TX FIB escorting the Tourists.

We/Me/You are Certainly On Our Own for sure especially with the "ChiCom" military aged males aka "Newcomers" over the southern border. Are these males really PLA ??? Estimates are close to hundred thousand +??? and as for weapons .... thinking Auto AK's and even RPG's .... Why Not??? Who's stopping them ??? the FIB-ATF ??? ROFLMAO.

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Excellent Lee! Although it’s hard to take anything seriously out of the Gestapo…I mean FBI anymore. You don’t have to get ready if you stay ready!

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Feral LE Border Patrol, (US Marshalls on Direct air flights) is Escorting the Tourists over the borderless areas. So taking these Oath Breakers seriously is more than a stretch.

Many/ Most ? Sheriffs are equally gutless, like the GA Sanctuary Sheriff where the Athens, GA nurse was recently raped & murdered. Local police in the borderless areas moonlighting as "security" for NGO Invasion Centers.

"Back the Blue???" Seriously ??? Most will Follow Orders to Keep their paychecks. The Constitutional "Guarantees" are an abstraction to many....... Most??? Just asking......

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I look at that back the blue flag decal with contempt now. And that’s sad. At 54 I remember when the cops were the good guys. I guess I was naive and shouldn’t be surprised. This is a constant throughout the human timeline. Cops were better when they dressed in ties and button downs. Now they’re all in delta force gear even though half of them can’t shoot.

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"I feel your pain". Perhaps, as I'm willing to protect myself without the Paid GubMint Gendarmerie.

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I think it’s partly psychological. Put anyone in that kit and they think different. Remember the good old days when cops dressed like the show Adam 12 or CHiPs? Somehow they weren’t all racist and over abused their power. At least when they did it was individual assholes and not encouraged by woke leadership.

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Wray's terrorist warning is not dire in its intended perception. We are all well aware that copious armies of terrorists, America haters, drug dealers, slave dealers are coming in via our southern border (and northern, also) by invitation of the traitor Commander in Chief and his Marxist Obama handlers. Rather Wray's warning is a hidden admission that the FBI cannot handle the probable possibilities of rape, murder, jihad and other violent acts likely to occur. The warning is a silent admission that the heavily armed FBI (and other federal and state law enforcement) cannot (and will not) protect you and your family.

Wray's useless blabber is a reminder that you are your own First Responder. It is a reminder of the purpose of the Second Amendment. It is a reminder that you should always be armed, always situationally aware.

Keep yourself well armed, well stocked with ammo, well trained. It is your obligation and your duty as a freedom fighter for this republic.

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