I'm sure the answers will be quickly forthcoming. Sometime around next January, maybe.

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If we were lucky.

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The Federal government is not controlled by Americans. The Americans within Federal government and military are still fighting for us, but under tremendous pressure

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There a very Few "Americans" within the Feral Gov Bureaucrazy. They are at best automotans, at worst evildoers. Your first sentence is good enough, no need to hedge your bet, comrade.

You are already a "deplorable" and eligible for further consideration, if you get my drift. :-)

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A very senior army whistleblower gave key info to children's health defense 2 was ago. Heroic.

Others. A nurse also, publically.

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Your postman, your park Ranger, your teacher on Navajo reservation are all automatons? NAVY seals who fought vax?

Love you'd critical thinking

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The postman doesn't SWAT people, the Park Ranger might, Gubmint Skool Teechers are mostly communist democRats by now, Anyone fighting illegal mandated vaXXX is A-Ok, some Seals, other Spec Ops are Prog Putzes, so no blanket cheers.

You omitted Cheerleading for the FIB, ATF, IRS, DOJ, NSA, CIA, DARPA, CDC, NIH, FDA, DHS, DOD Pantygone, ETC... any particular reasons???

Note: I said "Very Few", and almost none will come to your aid when push comes to shove.

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Thank you for illustrating why more government equals less liberty. And for giving us the information to understand how out of control the federal government bureaucracy has become.

I doubt that under the current regime there will be substantive change, but illuminating and recording the usurpations of an unjust ruler, will help to solidify the force that will lead them to their own demise.

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We, as a country, need to return to a government led by an executive instead of one attempting to RULE the country as a tyrant.

Considering how fast things operate now, we also need a much quicker way of removing a tyrant that doesn't require violence. The tools provided by our founders are much less effective than they were originally and sometimes totally ineffective when confronted with modern tech abilities and a Congress more concerned with their own careers than their jobs.

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Agreed, to a point. But from my perspective, the problem is that the original system of a slow, rational and judicial government, has been corrupted by the short sighted, impatient and irrational.

The problem with an executive, with unchecked power, is it only works when they are the kind of person who doesn't run for public office.

The tripartite system where the executive, legislative and judicial branches, checks the factional digressions of each, does work, when the oligarchy of the power brokers are kicked to the curb.

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I agree with you. And I'd add that part of the problem is the speed with which the errors can be permeated has changed and is too fast now.

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This just shows the valuable worth of your reporting and all the work from the 2AF and other orgs at protecting our rights, even if in such an indirect manner. Thank you Lee for all the work you do! Now lets put these idiots on the spot and hold them accountable!

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Like Kalifornia’s attack on cpl holders it’s a terrorist attack by your own government. This is why guns should be available without ffls or background checks on Amazon. They only hurt the peaceable people almost by definition because guns still proliferate throughout society in the end. So, it’s partly our fault for not demanding our rights.

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ATF was responsible for the first assault on the BD Church in Waco. They were Criminal Thugs then and were never held responsible for it. The local county Sheriff said if the ATF had contacted him he could have arranged a meeting easily. The ATF didn't want a "meeting", they wanted Blood.

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