Bodell has followed the Biden playbook with the approval of the ATF, and willfully ruined Adamiak’s life. Adamiak should be pardoned fully. Bodell needs to be federally and civilly prosecuted.

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Four chances of that ending. Fat, Slim, Little and No is something I would bet on. Do I take an overly dim view of the thing? Certainly possible, but I don’t think so.

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I am seeing this story getting some traction, keep up the pressure!

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Will do, Arthur, and thanks for your help.

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The matter calls for a whole lot more than “ some traction”.

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Geez! As I’ve commented prior. The ATF has been weaponized. They’re basically acting as a criminal organization under the DOJ. Wayne Allan Root has Trump’s ear on pardons. We all should message Trump and Root so hopefully we can free this Navy hostage from his cell. And personally if the politicians truly understood the meaning of 2A we should be able to buy automatic weapons out of vending machines!

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Thanks, David. I hope Mr. Root issues this one first.

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In case anyone new here thinks this is a one-off case, here is a list of just a "few" other issues with the ATF:

1) “ATF SWAT team raids parttime gun dealer’s Oklahoma home”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/atf-swat-team-raids-parttime-gun

2) “Oklahoma lawmaker demanding investigation into ATF SWAT team raid of constituent’s home”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/oklahoma-lawmaker-demanding-investigation

3) “Oklahoma state Rep knows how to stop ATF’s crimes, civil rights abuse, general thuggery”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/oklahoma-state-rep-knows-how-to-stop

4) “Oklahoma Sheriff’s Office investigating ATF’s SWAT team raid”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/oklahoma-sheriffs-office-investigating

5) “Oklahoma lawmaker wants grand jury to investigate ATF raid of constituent”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/oklahoma-lawmaker-wants-grand-jury

6) “Oklahoma gun dealer raided by ATF takes plea, but serious questions remain”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/oklahoma-gun-dealer-raided-by-atf

7) “ATF Executes Deadly “No Knock” on “Gun Show Loophole””

a) https://www.ammoland.com/2024/04/atf-executes-deadly-no-knock-on-gun-show-loophole/

8) “UPDATED: ATF SWAT raid that killed Arkansas man raises more questions of excessive force”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/atf-swat-raid-that-killed-arkansas

9) “Who will ATF shoot next?”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/who-will-atf-shoot-next

10) “Arkansas AG demands answers, bodycams from ATF over fatal SWAT raid”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/arkansas-ag-demanding-answers-bodycams

11) “Arkansas Senators: ATF did not use bodycams during fatal SWAT raid”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/arkansas-senators-atf-did-not-use

12) “Arkansas Attorney General suddenly mum about fatal ATF raid”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/arkansas-attorney-general-suddenly

13) “ANALYSIS: ATF agent who killed Little Rock airport executive will likely walk”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/analysis-atf-agent-who-killed-little

14) “ATF Director grilled about Malinowski killing during heated Congressional hearing”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/atf-director-grilled-about-malinowski

15) “ATF Caught Red Handed Illegally Copying FFL Information”

a) https://www.ammoland.com/2022/07/atf-caught-red-handed-illegally-copying-ffl-information/

16) “ATF raids endangering the lives of innocent Americans, again”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/atf-raids-endangering-the-lives-of

17) “SPECIAL REPORT: ATF Federal Firearm License revocations up a staggering 500%”

a) https://saf.org/special-report-atf-federal-firearm-license-revocations-up-a-staggering-500/

18) “Federal judge blasts ATF for its ‘heavy-handed exercise of revocations’”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/federal-judge-blasts-atf-for-its

19) “ATF intimidating another homebased gun dealer into surrendering license”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/atf-intimidating-another-homebased

20) “For Joe Biden’s weaponized ATF, homebased gun dealers are low-hanging fruit”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/for-joe-bidens-weaponized-atf-homebased

21) “The ATF Director and his mysterious 75-round clip”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/the-atf-director-and-his-mysterious

22) “ATF's poorly trained ‘operators’ are a threat to public safety”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/poorly-trained-atf-operators-are

23) “South Carolinian faced 115 years in prison until ATF admitted they got the wrong man”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/south-carolinian-faced-115-years

24) “The terror of a wrongful ATF raid”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/the-terror-of-a-wrongful-atf-raid

25) “Raid on Innocent Family Shows ATF Tyranny Must Be a Priority for Trump”

a) https://www.ammoland.com/2024/12/raid-on-innocent-family-shows-atf-tyranny-must-be-a-priority-for-trump/

26) “What ATF’s latest raid – two flashbangs but no arrests – says about the agency’s future”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/what-atfs-latest-raid-two-flashbangs

27) “Hey ATF, what about Nikki Fried?”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/hey-atf-what-about-nikki-fried

28) “What will ATF criminalize next?”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/what-will-atf-criminalize-next

29) “Special Report: Biden weaponizing IRS into a well-armed paramilitary force”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/special-report-biden-weaponizing

30) “A rare win: ATF fails to revoke New Jersey gun dealer’s federal firearm license”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/a-rare-win-atf-fails-to-revoke-new

31) “How ATF is hoodwinking the media over its newfound interest in their war on gun dealers”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/how-atf-is-hoodwinking-the-media

32) “A warning to ATF: We will never forget your crimes”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/a-warning-to-atf-we-will-never-forget

33) “ATF’s pursuit of Larry Vickers is about headlines, not justice”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/atfs-pursuit-of-larry-vickers-is

34) “Biden’s war on ‘rogue’ gun dealers now a war on all gun dealers”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/bidens-war-on-rogue-gun-dealers-now

35) “2023 will be a banner year for the ATF, unfortunately”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/2023-will-be-a-banner-year-for-the

36) “ATF ignoring machinegun-toting thugs, will ban legally owned ARs instead”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/atf-ignoring-machinegun-toting-thugs

37) “ATF official: Federal prosecutors turning a blind eye to straw purchasers, again”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/atf-official-federal-prosecutors

38) “ATF inspector stops firearm purchase claiming buyer smelled of marijuana”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/atf-inspector-stops-firearm-purchase

39) “BREAKING: ATF almost complies with a federal law”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/breaking-atf-almost-complies-with

40) “Public strongly supporting Texas gun dealer targeted by ATF”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/public-strongly-supporting-texas

41) “ATF Whistleblower’s Book Gives Unique Insights into Fast and Furious ‘Gunwalking’

a) https://www.ammoland.com/2024/02/atf-whistleblowers-book-gives-unique-insights-into-fast-and-furious-gunwalking/

42) “Whistleblower Answers Questions About ATF/DOJ Fast and Furious Malfeasance”

a) https://www.ammoland.com/2024/02/whistleblower-answers-questions-about-atf-doj-fast-and-furious-malfeasance/

43) “Last week at the ATF … “

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/last-week-at-the-atf

44) “Bump Stock Return Will Reverse Roles Between Citizens & ATF”

a) https://waronguns.com/bump-stock-return-will-reverse-roles-between-citizens-atf/

45) “ATF Returns Bump Stock to Rightful Owner After Five-Year Legal Struggle”

a) https://waronguns.com/atf-returns-bump-stock-to-rightful-owner-after-five-year-legal-struggle/

46) “Secrets of the ATF”

a) https://waronguns.com/secrets-of-the-atf/

47) “ATF creates arbitrary 90-day window to return bump-stocks to original owners”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/atf-creates-arbitrary-90-day-window

48) “Breaking The Law In The Name Of The Law: The BATF Story”

a) https://waronguns.com/breaking-the-law-in-the-name-of-the-law-the-batf-story/

49) “ATF Leak Shows Concern for 3D Machinegun Conversion Devices “

a) https://www.ammoland.com/2025/02/atf-leak-shows-concern-for-3d-machinegun-conversion-devices/

50) “Leak Shows ATF Continues to Disregard Court Orders on FRTs”

a) https://www.ammoland.com/2025/02/leak-shows-atf-continues-to-disregard-court-orders-on-frts/

51) “Federal Air Marshal jailed over ATF’s fake silencer charges”

a) https://saf.org/federal-air-marshal-jailed-over-atfs-fake-silencer-charges/

52) “NFA Prosecution Shows ATF Still Determined to Imprison Americans for Braced Pistols”

a) https://www.ammoland.com/2025/02/nfa-prosecution-shows-atf-still-determined-to-imprison-americans-for-braced-pistols/

53) “Protecting Second Amendment Rights / EXECUTIVE ORDER”

a) https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/02/protecting-second-amendment-rights/

54) “Trump Executive Order Pushes DOJ to Pause Gun Cases ~ VIDEO”

a) https://www.ammoland.com/2025/02/trump-executive-order-pushes-doj-to-pause-gun-cases/

55) “ATF’s Facial Recognition Tied to Trump Assassination Attempt Investigation, Raising 2A Concerns ~ VIDEO”

a) https://www.ammoland.com/2025/02/atfs-facial-recognition-tied-to-trump-assassination-attempt/

56) “ATF lied to convict sailor now serving 20 years in prison for selling legal gun parts”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/atf-lied-to-convict-sailor-now-serving

57) “How a replica STEN gun led to a sailor’s 20-year prison sentence”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/how-a-replica-sten-gun-led-to-a-sailors

58) “Sailor serving 20-years in prison for legal semi-auto collectibles”

a) https://thegunwriter.substack.com/p/sailor-serving-20-years-in-prison

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Thanks, Scott!!!

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The ATF plain murdered that airport manager. All the officers on that raid need to be charged with murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole.

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Major differrences between what the writer Danny Phillips suggests should happen, and what will happen to the ATF personnel involved in the shooting of the airport manager. Sad, but most likely true.

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This story brings tears.

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No doubt!

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And anger!

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The DOJ sums up the sentencing. The Biden DOJ with Biden ATF on a trophy headhunt.


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Exactly what crime or violation of law did Adamiak commit that warrants a sentence of 20 years, especially since it appears that possession of these devices falls within the law, or have some interesting aspects fallen from attention.

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Come on Donald J Trump and Elon Musk take down the despicable ATF and fire these idiots. Shut down the ATF that should save several billion dollars. Steve Dettelbach needs to be strung up.

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So, I assume that he also got a dishonorable discharge. The ATF needs to go bye bye.

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Two questions come to mind re this business.

1. Why does Congress continue to put up with the manifold transgressions of this run away tax collection mob?

2. Why do the federal courts also go along with the transgressions of this run away mob?

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The perversion of gun law and the 2nd Amendment by ATF is criminal. If we can "wish" what we want something to be, I wish Trump would totally take the "F" out of BATFE.

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