I don’t know if the Cuban Constitution of 1940 contained provisions for gun ownership but I guess it probably had. People in Cuba should push to ditch the current Socialist Constitution and reinstate the original constitution of 1940 anyway. That move will solve a lot of problems but the commies in power will not let that happen without a fight.

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It's been a mystery to me why the Cuban people still tolerate communism. They must know how poor their country is, and how inferior their energy and medical services are. I thought that after Fidel died, Cuba would only remain communist for another 15 minutes. I was wrong. Years later, the communists are still in charge and nothing has changed. The monopoly on force exercised by the Cuban state doesn't alone explain it. How many dictatorships have been overthrown by military coups, especially in Latin America? If anyone reading this has an explanation, I'd be glad to see it.

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As to your Mystery question, They must have known .... I immediately flashed on the "Ultra" Modern cities of Manilla, Singapore, andso many others in Asia and the middle Eastern Gulf States .... Our Cities, Airports, Roads, etc pale in comparison..... Yet most Americans don't even think of Why even IF they Know, which Most Don't.

We live within our Bubbles of countries, societies, politics, etc. As far as the 2nd Amendment, it has been Gutted by "Our" gov to "Protect" us, and We ourselves neglect forming any Militias from fear of the Feral Polezi, and our own neglect as well.

Cuba will Again have Political Change, even the Soviet Union collapsed; The Question for We/Me/You is imo Will We Restore A Republic??? Yes, Mr. Franklin we didn't keep it, and it began over a hundred years ago, Hopefully ending with the Coupist O'biden Puppet gov.

which is still exisiting within the Gov Bureaucrazies and many estranged citizens as well. Is a Divorce or Reconciliation in our American future? The World is curiously awaiting !!!

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There are so few firearms in Cuba in private hands for one very simple reason: despite their rhetoric about "the workers" and the proletariat, all Communists deeply distrust the common people. China forced the peasants into the cities because people packed together in a city are easier to control.

It is the same impulse we see in so many of our own "leaders", they openly hate both our nation and the people that built this nation, finding us too hard to control and too unpredictable. That is why they want to disarm us and that is also why their entire political strategy is based on replacing us with people they think will be easier to control.

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Unarmed people have little chance to change their lives when oppressed by a tyrant government. I was in Cuba in 1958 just after Castro took over. There were bullet pockmarks on the walls of our hotel and anything concrete from the combat. People stopped us on the street and asked to trade their Cuban money for US as they were the same value. Soon after Castro denounced an electoral government for a dictatorship and Cubans started to abandon their island. I had many Cuban friends and neighbors in Fla. The refugees were hard working and a great addition to the US. Then we had a bump in the road when Castro emptied his asylums and prisons and at gunpoint forced removal of them by forced boatloads to the US. That brought the crime and welfare Cubans here. Today Cuba is a 50s models auto nation with little earnings staying with the earners and the money to the upper dictators. There is little chance they will be able to overthrow this since Castro knew that weapons were the means to hold dictators in power and keep people in essentially in slavery.

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