Mainstream media has done a great job portraying these acts as justified from the government standpoint so the average American doesn't realize how criminal these agencies are.

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Indeed! Look no further than all the TV shows that glorify the FBI. It's laughable; it's almost like the media has to keep polishing the bureau's badge to make it seem like they are the ones wearing the white hats.

Give me the days of Efrem Zimbalist Jr. and his show- 'The F.B.I.', not the current stuff that's portraying the FBI.

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It was really the FBI who killed all those innocents at Waco as they sought to finish the job that ATF started with their deadly but unsuccessful raid in February. Many folks, including myself, think that the slaughter at Waco was a deliberate payback for the four ATF agents killed in the initial assault, a feature (not a bug) in the plan. I agree that ATF needs to go, but FBI does too, as it is now little more than the paramilitary wing of the Democratic Party, steamrolling Trump allies like Giuliani while ignoring Biden Crime Family violations of Federal tax and gun law. I think there is no fixing either Bureau.

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Totally agree, Roger. There is no fixing either bureau.

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95% of the 3 letter agencies are unconstitutional and should be completely eliminated, nothing less should be acceptable

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Unfortunately gun rights don't seem to be on the radar for the Trump team. I'm a little tired of the best we can hope for is that we don't lose any additional ground, it would be nice to see some of our right reclaimed.

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We need to pay close attention to DJT's pick for Attorney General as she (along with Senator Scott) sided with the anti-gun crowd here in Fl following the Parkland shooting.

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I’d still argue that the NFA and GCA need to be repealed first.

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Imagine all the dog lives that would be spared.

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Turn alcohol and tobacco back over to the treasury. It's a tax issue. Turn explosives over to the FBI. Firearms can be turned over to the FBI as well. Send the rest of the BATFE into the dust bin of history to reside with Prohabition, another failed Fed experiment!

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I can't think of any other bureaucratic agency that flies in the face of American freedom like the ATF does. Abolish it!

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Is there a kickstarter I can join to ensure this happens?

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It’s the “AFT”.

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I still haven’t heard of who he’s picking to run the ATF, so is it gonna get DOGE’ed?

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We can hope, but I don't look for anything other than business as usual. Same actions, different team. Elections don't mean sh*t if the millions of bureaucrats stay the same.

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