Sep 17Liked by Lee Williams

When the first plane hit on 9/11, what was your first thought?

When the second plane hit, how did that thought change?

After the first assassination attempt, what was your first thought?

After the second attempt, how has that thought changed?

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Very well said, Scott!

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Sep 17Liked by Lee Williams

Hey Lee, you’ve got your left-leaning redneck buddy, Jay, agreeing in concept on this one. It seems that we better wake up and get on a war footing considering the state of the world and our chaotic political condition. If two Podunk mouth breathers can get this close to our leaders, what can a well trained, foreign agent pull off?

And not just presidential candidates. Think about the critical personnel and facilities that are completely vulnerable on this beautiful Tuesday morning. A coordinated attack would stun us into panic. The next phase could be catastrophic.

Devgru, Delta, Marsoc… I believe that we need to use all the available assets out at this point.

All the best, Brother! Semper Fi, Jay

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Thanks, Jay!!! Good to hear from you.

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My take: This is what happens when a wealthy democrat donor, changes parties, publicly questions the qualifications of a democrat presidential candidate's citizenship and birth certificate and makes claims that it is a fake. Then runs against one of the most powerful democrats who served as secretary of state for the person who became president regardless of the fake birth certificate claims and wins, and then repeals much of what that fake birth certificate president did in eight years in the Oval Office.


The man behind the democrat political curtain, really holds a grudge, and won't stop until revenge is achieved.

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Sep 17Liked by Lee Williams

Oh, I guess it has been a couple of years ago, but I watched a documentary about General Patton. The documentary was mostly about Patton's attitude at the end of WWII leading up to the accident that eventually took his life. While the program didn't go into any conspiratorial theories the narrator did say this; " No, they didn't kill him, but they were glad he was dead"

Kind of makes me wonder. I'm not promoting any theories here but "We the People" cannot help but speculate about WTH is going on. I know enough about history to know that high profile political persons have their lives threatened more frequently than most people realize.

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Good idea, but since the deployment of such a unit is an executive decision there seems little hope that it will happen. I think the powers that be like the incompetence of the Trump protection detail.

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The sad state of institutions in the West continues unabated. In Canada, we had a peaceful protest in 2022 against unconstitutional and unlawful removal of our freedoms during the China Virus. I retired from the RCMP in 2019 after 32 years service and was proud of my service to Queen and country. I was mystified and ashamed by the violence used on peaceful protestors in our Freedom Convoy by police including the heavy brigade of cube farm occupants at the Ottawa HQ of the RCMP. I requested a criminal investigation though the correct channels of the commissioner's criminal behavior of intefering with religious services in Alberta and am sure she was never interviewed. This is the state of our institutions after years of political hiring and promotion based on factors that are irrelevant to occupational suitability. Political correctness and DEI costs lives and does harm to the repuation of any institution. During my service I worked with many great cops, sheriifs, MPs, agents -I particularly trusted sheriffs from the USA. The Portland Bureau of Police Honor Guard at a funeral of a policeman I had worked with in 2017 mentioned that they had their ability to their job taken away and they were all looking forward to retirement. This is North America wide. Canada and the USA have some of teh most wonderfully capable law enforcement in the world. The leadership is the issue. Most recently I was saddened at the dishonoring of the memorial to 2 policeman I had served with. One died in my arms waiting for an ambulance that I drove ot the hospital so both paramedics could work on him . The commanding officer of that detachment installed "rainbow lights"above the monument on the police detachment to honor the LGBT community while denegrating the service of both officers and their 'Christianty; Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox. It will take a generation to fix the demonic pc policies of the last 20 years if we start now.

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Yes, we watched in horror at what happened when they broke up the trucker’s convoy in Ottawa. We pray that change will be coming soon to your federal government!

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Sep 17Liked by Lee Williams

It is going to get interesting when Governor DeSantis initiates an investigation, which will probably lead into a collision with any Federal investigation, as far as facts and information. Can the Feds be trusted to do a thorough investigation, probably, but can they be trusted to tell U.S. the truth, probably not.

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DeSantis raised a good point: How can you trust the federal government to conduct a thorough investigation when they're trying to put the victim in jail!

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Sep 18Liked by Lee Williams

Great idea Lee. Except, Trump's team seem to say They are doing a Great job? I still think there is a Mole in the SS. Advising whoever, where President Trump will be. I do Hope He listens to Your Recommendations. Now more than ever. Thanks Lee!!

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Lee, I agree that President Trump needs top level military protection, but considering who is in the White House now it is very unlikely he will get it. Instead, if I were Trump I'd hire first class private security such as Gavin deBecker's organization (he does security for RFK, Jr and stopped a US Marshal imposter from penetrating a rally in East L.A.) As for the Secret Service detail, I'd tell them to stay out of the way and offer them all-you-can eat chili dogs and Cokes at the Mar-a-Lago bar. They're not much good for anything else.

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Sidenote, the guy upfront is Mike Vining, a plank holder in Delta. Go read about his insane career. He's also been on the Team House podcast and spent a couple of hours talking about his career.

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Ronald L. Rowe, Jr., United States Secret Service, Acting Director


"responsible for the direct oversight of the agency's daily investigative and protective operations" (quote taken from his official ".gov" website) when former President Trump and three others were shot, one of which was murdered...ON HIS WATCH!!!


His job description currently


"As Acting Director, he is responsible for successfully executing the agency’s integrated mission of protection and investigations by leading..." when this new suspect was moments away from shooting a USSS protectee.


I would like answers to three (3) simple questions:

USSS Acting Director Rowe,

1) If YOU hired a security company to keep YOU safe, but YOU were shot and another man murdered, then, ANOTHER attempt on YOUR life was moments away, what questions and expectations would YOU have for the person who was promoted while being "responsible for the direct oversight of the [company's] daily investigative and protective operations"?

2) Are YOU responsible for the actions of YOUR subordinates (keep in mind your previous and current job descriptions)?

Yes? What do you think should happen to YOU, personally, in light of the fact your protectee was shot, another man was murdered, and another attempt on the SAME protectee was moments away?

No? Why not and what is the name of the person who IS ultimately responsible for your protectee being shot, another man being murdered, and another attempt on the SAME protectee being moments away?

3) Are you willing to be face-to-face with that person, on a stage, in front of reporters, on live camera, and tell that person, to their face, that THEY are personally responsible for the failures?

No? Why not?

Yes? How about right now?

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