Apr 29Liked by Lee Williams

They’ve decided to skip all the knock-and-talks where they are exposed as incompetent fools on social media. They’re making an easy to understand statement with these hit man tactics.

Abolish the ATF

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@Bill, your comment reminded me of the video of a female ATF agent trying to coax a citizen to give up his binary trigger. She didn't have a body armor plate in her vest, she had a AR500 gong in her vest for her body armor. Yep, I thought it pretty incompetent.

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I remember that. The gong would have likely sent the spall right through her neck if ever hit. Maybe she was the newbie.

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The issue is not so much the length of training for me. Rather the issue is that the ATF, a regulatory bureaucracy, has these death squads in the first place. If the ATF is to exist at all, their role should be in checking paperwork, chasing down leads and aiding investigations but not kicking down doors over dubious accusations of infractions. The ATF ought to resemble the USDA rather than the U.S. Marshalls, although the USDA also has armed agents for no rational reason.

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They should stick to Tobacco, there's a real killer for them.

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ATF Death Squads have already killed more innocent people than my guns ever will.

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ATF/FIB Death Squads are the New Gestapo for the USSA.

ATF & FIB "Should" only be Administrative or at most Investigators with a revamped FBI.

The USSA has too many (approx 250,000+) Armed LE across many agencies. DHS is too big to administer effectively as well. It needs to be "differsified" as it like TSA was a 9/11 GrubMint overreach reaction.

US Marshalls, Secret Service, Border Patrol/ICE, are All that is needed for Federal LE.

States will have to step up and do the LE functions that have been abandoned to/seized by the Ferals. .......... Restore A Republic.

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They don’t need long to learn how to shoot dogs.

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Good point. It's the one thing they're good at.

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Apr 29Liked by Lee Williams

Add to this info the baleful influence of DEI on "operator" recruitment and selection - people lacking basic skills who would wash out of any advanced Army or Navy special forces course - and you have a recipe for murder. Is it any wonder what happened to Mr. Malinowski?

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29Liked by Lee Williams

Yes this is becoming more prevalent and it’s disgusting. More and more we’re turning into a banana republic. DEI is at the center of all of it. I pray for Regan and Trump through Gods vision to have pity on the people that strive to destroy our way of life. Their time is limited. 🙏🪝line and sinker.

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What do you expect when you combine alcohol with tobacco and firearms?

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So ..... "What" ??? Do we want highly trained killers knocking our doors down???

With a Feral Coup illegtimate Gov in place, JustUs Department, and Obamy Infested Democrazy- Bureacrazy.......

We Need an implementation of the Full 2nd Amendment, with already Trained Veterans.

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Hmmm…. Not sure if I have enough space to contradict the lies in here? Start here: I’m not ATF but am a rural sheriffs office deputy who’s met with ATF SRT on 2 occasions. First they came to my county to use our range for training, second time we assisted them with a search/arrest warrant , so UNLIKE our keyboard “operator” Lee Williams I actually know a thing or two.

1. The loser killed in AR was shot by a field agent not SRT member Lie #1

2. ATF SRT selection does include a 2 week “operators” course BUT, they had previously completed a 28 week field agent course, plus minimum 3 year continued tactical training, and are on probation for another year AFTER completing the aforementioned 2 week class which mandates another 4 weeks. Lie #2

3. Most all tactical teams WILL NOT allow another agency/unit/etc member to “jump in their stack” Too many concerns over language, weapons positioning, hand signals, etc. It’s a recipe for disaster to blend teams. Lie #3

4. Leadership may indeed be poor (I didn’t care for my former Sheriff) but to imply leadership is sub-par in SRT because you don’t like their current political stance (me either) is juvenile at best! Upper Management may indeed be bad, but not the team leaders i’ve met with ATF SRT. Lie #4

My suggestion is Mr Lee Williams needs a 2 week course (at least) in investigative journalism to figure out how the rest of us actual LEOs investigate. But then again he’d have to actually leave his moms basement, put down his XBox controller (set for CQB games im sure), and “operate” in society where things are as easy a 5 minute internet search of information (which it appears he did, for this article)

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Jack, first it's a digital platform. Take all the space you need. Second, you can blast me all you want. I'm used to it. However, I have to draw the line at calling Malinowski a "loser." He was the executive director of an airport, who was making $250K per year and had no criminal record. Calling him a loser implies he somehow deserved killing, when we both know he did not. ATF's SRT screwed up in a myriad of ways -- something else we both know.

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Not SRT idiot….still making false claims. It was a field agent (who most likely isn’t trained well, in which you’re most likely correct ) you just can’t help yourself when someone knows more than you, you stick to your narrative. Listen, don’t get me wrong…. I despise everything about ATF, and my S/O won’t back them up anymore in our county, BUT your spreading untruth to folks who don’t know better, so your just as guilty as them!!!

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Jack, first you need to calm down. The only one who's getting personal is you. Second, if there's an error in any of my stories, no one wants to correct it more than me. Take a breath and give me a call: 941-284-8553.

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Trying to get actual facts out of ATF is like pulling teeth. They still haven't said a damn thing.

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Apr 29Liked by Lee Williams

We will agree on that. And I may indeed call you….but I’m not putting my credentials (and my job) on the line for some of the other folks on here. (Talking to you Bill) The Merits I’m speaking of are the facts of the ATF SRT program, which neither of you have ANY experience with. Mines limited, but not absent….

not my personal merits. Good lord, keep drinking the Kool Aid guys and keep voting democrat

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29Author

I don't want you to put your credentials on the line -- period. Call me and feel free to block your number. I will answer.

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Apr 29Liked by Lee Williams

Democrat? Koolaid?

Put your job on the line for me?

You sound delusional. Call Lee. He is after all the high priest we blindly follow like Jim Jones.

Abolish the ATF

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This is very fair of Lee and Jack.

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Apr 29Liked by Lee Williams

As the kills are stacking up, you refer to the deseased as “loser”. Got some of the blood lust in you? You come off as a pompous ass. Post your full name so everyone can research your public service record.

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Well said, sir.

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No need too, my stated facts stand on their own merit. Unlike the author who lied throughout this article. Just say you don’t like ATF and think the shooting was bad. I’m not saying I disagree, just don’t lie !!!

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Apr 29Liked by Lee Williams

Merit, you say? Where?

Prove it. Start documenting.

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Also thanks for stepping up to serve the people. It’s a serious and respectable job. But please, don’t fall into the us vs them trap.

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Beware the Syrian Trap set for us Americans to have the sworn fall out and kill each other, as DC excels at such matters- but are feeble cowards themselves.

BUT they DO excel at starting Civil wars, beware. They have an excellent track record of dividing and then profiting.

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Not liking the ATF? Political views? You’re a clown defending the indefensible. An American citizen was shot and killed and some asshole judge signed off a no knock for some bullshit. Some say the raid was political itself. If you don’t understand how this is wrong you shouldn’t be in law enforcement. But your ilk will defend your ilk. None of you will have this false bravado after having your team mates brains in your face. Which unfortunately is where this is going unless they stop the Gestapo bullshit. Zero accountability or consequences is never a good thing. LEOs should be held to a higher standard.

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Tough guy behind a keyboard again!!! Not having the burden of wearing a badge everyday and defending YOUR rights. “Team mates brains” , I don’t think so,….. Malinowski probably talked same tough guy talk, but whose brains actually ended up spilled out??? Hmmm. Everyone has a plan to hate law enforcement, and how they’ll handle business until bullets fly

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Apr 30Liked by Lee Williams

Until you run into someone who’s worn their buddies brains and been in more than a few gunfights. Obviously your fragile ego is involved here Jack. An American was executed in front of his family and you’re more concerned with the bullshit blue line. Guess what Jack?? You’re a civilian too, you SWAT clowns can act like “operators” but I’ve trained many of you and most of the local LEOs on tac teams can’t tell cover from concealment. Seriously guys that actually do the work laugh at your type. So act like a man and control your ego. You’re a podunk cop and you’re not only disrespectful but your entire attitude is anti American. Instead of getting your feelings hurt, learn something. That’s what warriors do.

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It’s absolutely the Trap set, the ruling class in DC wants to go Syrian and start killing each other. They are feeble cowards who however do excel at turning people against each other.

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Apr 29·edited Apr 30

Perhaps it is a blessing of sorts that the ATF "operators" lack training. Would we really want them to be the highly proficient killing machines such as the seals and rangers? The bigger concern is that all federal agencies are heavily armed and combat trained. Who or what are thousands of taxpayer financed "soldiers" protecting law abiding citizens from? It is as obvious as the AR 15s and AR 10s carried by government employees that the purpose of the armament and training is to control We the People. If in the course of operations it is necessary to terminate American citizens so much the better. When the government becomes tyrannical, it is the moral duty of the citizens... You know the drill. Exactly why the Founding Fathers put the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

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Beware the Syrian Trap set for us Americans to have the sworn fall out and kill each other, as DC excels at such matters- but are feeble cowards themselves.

BUT they DO excel at starting Civil wars, beware. They have an excellent track record of dividing and then profiting.

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The key question I have is WHAT were those agents told that made them enter in that fashion?

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And the PTB has their balls now. That too.

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Maybe they are just canon fodder for the feds lol

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I fixed the headline for you - “University’s poorly trained students are a threat to public safety.”

University students are vastly more dangerous than ATF ‘operators’.

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Very well explained sir!

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I have to point out that the doc most people are referencing is for task force members. Neither that doc, nor the one for agents (https://www.atf.gov/file/170131/download) requires or even encourages the wearing of cameras. It simply lays out circumstances in which camera use is permitted. Most of the doc lists circumstances in which cameras are not permitted, how videos should be redacted, and how to respond to a records request.

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