According to Biden last night, it isn't the illegals who are raping and murdering it's "in-laws, brothers and sisters." In other words, our national crime problem hinges on incest!

Seriously, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev and Mao would be thrilled with what Biden has done to America.

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I would have to agree based on past experience that the political class certainly has no stomach for mass deportations. Does this mean that a third or a half of the American Citizens oppose mass deportations??? Perhaps/Perhaps Not. We won't "Know" until We Get There.............

and that is The Point We have to recoginize about human behavior .........

"We won't Know until We Get There." my admonition is to be Pre-pared for What We may Find, When We Get There.

We are never going back to the way things were. The Future Awaits, Create It for yourselves and your kith & kin. This may seem at odds with the dire times I believe are ahead, but If you don't Conceive of a Future, with Personal & Group Goals, You will have factually No Time Left and will simply vanish. This perhaps is more easily seen with civilizations, but applies to individuals as well.

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Even if Trump is allowed to "win" it won't really matter. America has no stomach for expelling the 30 million illegals that are already here, not to mention the millions of children they have had here that magically become American citizens. There is even less political will to stop the flow of legal migrants, or to clean house in the military and the DOJ.

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Great article Lee. Thank you for your work and commitment to our great nation. I believe that it's essential in the planning for the worst-case scenario, to move to a state which has true American leadership, such as Florida and Texas. By doing so, true patriotic constitutional Americans can truly have a realistic hope and a government backed plan to fight against 'radical democracy, mob-rule' anti-Americans.


If the state government, you live under, is anti-second amendment, pro-gun control, you have no ability to plan and therefore no realistic hope. Because the national corruption we can see, is just a very small part of the corruption we can't know nor see.


In the next twelve months we'll soon have the answer to the question, "Is the nation beyond repair?".

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2024 becomes 2025 and will 2025 become 1775 ???

All the best, as national survival depends upon individual survival, with lots of individuals, and adding more individuals .....

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In a perfect world, there would be a sufficient number of brave, well trained law enforcement officers to protect us. Being that the world is not perfect, and many police are not brave and well trained, as you remind us Lee: we are our own first responders. That means we have the right and duty to be well armed and well prepared to handle threats against us, our families, friends. At a time when our government is literally at war with us (and better armed), we should expand our arsenals. If you own a couple of pistols and a couple of rifles, double that (or more) [You may need to pass a firearm or two to a friend or relative]. There is no limit for most of us. Do you have a sufficient amount of self-defense ammo? Don't forget to grow your ammo as you expand your arsenal. Spend more productive time at the range. Practice and train. Don't be hesitant about obtaining qualified (combat) training. We have to be ready, willing and able to not only defend against the government but also against the illegal immigrants who mean to harm us.

Vast damage has been done for decades to our Constitution and the American way of life. This degradation of our society and culture accelerated under Slick Willy Clinton. The destruction was put into overdrive by Barak Hussein Obama. Under Biden, his bosses, and lieutenants the Republic is freewheeling down a steep grade towards a fatal cliff. The US is about to be conquered by the world globalists, commies, etc. It is up to us, patriots, to save the country. This is the remaining final time to defeat the enemies of the Republic and take back control of our country.

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