Maybe this old soldier has found a last hill to die on. I've certainly outlived my own expectations many times over. What a conundrum indeed. They can grandfather my 4th point of contact. molṑn labé .

As Sheriff Rooster Cogburn once said, and I offer as a challenge to the no-knock goon squads "fill your hands, you SOB"

All I ever wanted was to finish my last days in peace with my wife at my side, but apparently they expect me to bend a knee and kiss the ring. Ain't happening. To Merrick's goon squads - Do what you wanna do and I'll do what I have to do with zero regrets. Better to find a softer target, and if you ignore THAT, may God have mercy on your souls, because I sure won't.

Sorry for the salt, Lee, but that agency positively burns my britches.

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Well said FL Native. I am also a Fl Native. Also have outlived my expectations. I also will show no mercy!!!

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If the ATF is offering to register pistol brace ARs as SBR would it be presumptuous to assume that you could then put a true rifle stock on your registered SBR?

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That, sir, is one helluva great point.

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That is very similar to the point I was going make.

If a pistol brace stock is on a standard rifle, does that become an NFA regulated firearm?

The point being what is their defining, and serialized, component? Or is it some new capricious collection of parts?

If (a normally unserialized) upper with a pistol length barrel (presumably <16") is owned, which is not a firearm by definition, how can it be registered?

If a (unserialized) pistol brace is owned, how can it be registered?

The whole thing is ridiculous. Arbitrary, vague and capricious regulations are not how a country is run. At least not a legitimate one.

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Any rifle with 16" barrel and 26" OAL (ie a standard AR with 16" barrel) is just a regular rifle, doesn't matter what you put on the buffer tube.

An upper with short barrel isn't a firearm since it can't fire a bullet. I don't think even the new receiver definitions will require upper receivers to be serialized.

What they're going for is you have a pistol with a brace that you want to keep that way, you send them pictures proving it has a brace, it gets registered, and they prosecute you if you ever get caught with a stock on that thing, or swap the upper to a lower with a stock, or put that brace on another receiver that doesn't have a tax stamp.

Just like rifle stocks right now, you can buy thousands of them, they're unserialized, you're 100% legal until you put it on an unregistered AR pistol.

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I fully understand the law. I also don't posses any of the aforementioned parts, so my point is the inconsistency with which these proposed edicts would be enforced on others.

But saying a particular configuration of formerly fully legal parts, is now a regulated item that can not be altered, without committing a felony, and which can not be identified other than through self submitted photos, is absurd.

To define a particular combination of ordinary parts as an SBR (or whatever creative word salad definition they come up with), is not how law (however flawed) is supposed to be made or enforced. Ambiguity, no Felonious Ambiguity, can not be the standard.

The ATF is following the Kalifornistan model of do what we say or you're a felon (this year, because next year will be different and even crazier). This scheme of send us pictures so we can incriminate you later is the Kali model. It doesn't work there, don't allow it to further infect a already diseased agency.

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Can't argue there.

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The ATF. FBI and EPA, to name a few as well as other unelected bureaucracies, have outlived their effective usefulness and should go the way of the dodo.

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One point to an SBR is you must 'Ask Mother May I' first to cross state lines versus a pistol with just a tube. It's just a pistol as I understand. Feedback if I'm incorrect.

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It should never have been any of their business in the first place what a decent law abiding man does. Every time we yield an inch of ground, it encourages them to push a wee little bit more the next time. I find them to be just another rogue 3 letter agency that acts outside of the spirit of the law pretty much nonstop.

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The identifying acronym for ATF needs changed to SS (SCHUTZSTAFFEL).

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It sounds like these agencies are planning on further treating law abiding citizens as though they are criminals.

If approximately 4 MILLION law abiding citizens are treated as criminals, will these agencies REALLY be ready if those same citizens start ACTING like they're being treated?

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Makes me wonder about Haynes v. United States...

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