
Thank you for your work. You're making a difference!

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Thank YOU, Scott

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Their uniforms are the wrong color. They should be brown, definitely brown.

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With armbands.

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I sure hope states like OK and FL start putting these Feds on notice. It’s almost like they want someone to shoot back so they can further their violations of our rights. It’s sad that there are so many agents with no principals willing to do such henios acts.

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That's my fear too. The ATF has a history of killing innocent, law-abiding Americans.

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It's sad there are so many Sheriffs with no Constitutional principles, or Cowed into submission to their Feral Gov. "Masters".

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I think our efforts are best served to trying to get good local sheriffs and lawmakers onboard to fight this nonsense.

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Especially with Biden still in office.

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All well & good. IF the Sheriff is willing to risk his job, family well being, and possible FIB Raid/ DoInJ Investigation.

Would You??? or is laying low the most travelled path??? Maybe a handfull of Constitutional Patriot Sheriffs willing to Stand Up. Then Many Sheriffs in Urban areas are ProgreSSives already.

Just my view of reality.

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I'm sure the federal gov't will try to drag this out for years, hoping that our collective short attention span society forgets about. I'm also glad there are at least a few writers like you, and politicians (who understand their job description as representative) who are willing to shine a light on this. We are in troubling times to be sure.

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Totally agree. The ATF is breaking the law. That's the bottom line.

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What we really need to know is who is hiring these so-called "good people" that work for the FBI, ATFE, etc., and how and why they can get away with this.

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I wonder how many are left at ATF. I'm guessing there aren't many.

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There were some witnesses in Waco, a few years back, that could have spoken to ATF/FIB "Law Enforcement" , but most were burned alive without remorse in classic SS fashion..

DoInJ is Continuing it's Gulag Imprisonment Pogrom of Jan 6th 2021 "Insurgent" Attendees.

DoD NATO think the Russians are sheepled like American citizens ...... Big Mistake, but we/me/you do Deserve every drop of bloody tyranny we get from this Feral Coup gov.. imo.

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It's past time for war against our government, they are for themselves with no thought to the public that funds them. Time to cut their funding.

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You expecting Repubs in Con-gress to Do that ???

"Rich Men North of Richmond" will Never Do It to Themselves.

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Did the ATF even have a warrant? The ATF needs to be abolished. FJB

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Jack booted THUGS. Wayne was right.

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