The only time you seem to see ATF death squads in action is when they are kicking down the doors of people like Bryan Malinowski. It almost seems like they like LARPing as tacticool operators but only when it is safe to do so.

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That is exactly it. They're LARPing.

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Except unlike renaissance fairs, innocent people die.

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May 30Liked by Lee Williams

These are utterly soviet style tactics and charges. I'm surprised the "ATF" didn't acquire his false confession after six months of torture in a gulag.

Sooner or later, we're gonna need to deal with these wannabe feds. As a citizenry, I mean.

This cannot continue. This wholly tyrannical alphabet govt cannot continue.

If we keep allowing this communist police/lawfare tag team scenario, we will soon be completely disarmed and politically enslaved.

As an historian, I'm seeing way too many repeats and rhymes over the last twenty-five years.

We need to do something, folks.

We're losing.

Death by a thousand cuts style.

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Totally agree, and unfortunately, it's only a matter of time before they kill someone else during one of their LARPs.

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May 30Liked by Lee Williams

It's rumored there are some good people In the BATFE. Where are they?

Abolish the ATF

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The only ones I talk to are retired, and they're glad to be out.

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May 30Liked by Lee Williams

About twenty years ago I stopped in to an FFL , a small town friend, and was delighted to see an original C96 “Broomhandle” Mauser under the glass. In its holster box next to it was the stock. All matching serial numbers. A collectors item. A few weeks later having returned to pick up a law-away, saw the same C96 stock laying on the counter in two pieces.

He had been visited by an ATF agent for an inspection. The choice was saw the stock in half or else.

No fine, no loss of FFL, no jail, no raid by Special Ops, no deaths.

He went on being the beloved FFL for years till passing of a stroke.

Wheres that ATF?

Abolish the ATF

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The thought of sawing that stock gives me the shakes, man.

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Most, if not all, government agencies must be abolished. If the agencies are not specifically permitted by the Constitution, or for direct support of the Constitution, they are constitutionally and legally not permitted. If any agency or any law does not protect or enhance our God given and Constitution rights and liberties, they are not legitimate, legal or permitted. These laws and agencies must be rescinded, overturned, declared null and void. It is our duty, as lawful American citizen patriots, it is our right, to resist, disobey and eliminate or overthrow any law or agency which is counter to our God given, Constitutional rights and laws. What are we waiting for? A personalized hand delivered invitation will not be forthcoming. We have a choice between our free Constitutional republic or a authoritarian, totalitarian socialist/ communist/Marxist enslaving regime. It's time to make your choice. Be prepared to defend your choice or give up your life, freedom and liberty.

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May 30Liked by Lee Williams

A FFL is an admission of guilt in the current year.

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It sure puts your civil liberties at risk.

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May 30Liked by Lee Williams

Poor legal representation for that gentleman. Why would he state that he didn’t have an FFL? I get that legal defense costs but these small shops have to take a stand. Further, ATF cowboys will keep it up until we vote “progressives” out of office.

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Yep, but about what you get with a Federal Public Defender. They're all Monty Hall on Let's Make a Deal.

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Vote them out or shoot them out. Either one is fine with me get em out.

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My opinion here is that the ATF is targeting the low volume, smaller, physical firearms store-shop owners because they are not able to track those businesses as well as they can larger businesses and nowhere near as well as they are able to monitor, legally or illegally, online firearms and ammo businesses.

Therefore, the ATF is sending a very distinct clear message to all smaller physical shops, “Impose intrusive offensive screening of your customer base or we’ll ruin your life” It is for this ATF objective that the main charge in this case was the second charge of selling to a prohibited person. Which if true, I’m betting, would disqualify him from having an FFL License----using the wording of the statute as written which allows for this interpretation, as intended by the creators of the law.

How many customers would return after being offended by the unconstitutional intrusion? The ATF is betting it would be enough to shut down the business, which would cause the customers to go to an online source to buy their product, i.e. they’d be trackable. So, the ATF goes into the heartland of the USA and makes sure the news goes nationwide throughout the ‘gun community’.

The third charge is the type of ‘thing’ which many smaller FFLs, in accordance with the wording of the law, could be in jeopardy of being charged for simply a typo, or misspelling, or other type of mistake on a bad day at the office. I am also betting that if this type of ‘error’ did occur, according to the wording of the law, the FFL license would be negated due to the infraction.

In the end, the ATF is making sure that the only firearms and ammo businesses that remain open are the ones which have enough money to endure the legal battle and prevail. Afterall the ATF has a budget they must operate within and going after the biggest businesses would cripple them, but again I’m betting that the ATF can more easily break the law and track sales of large businesses with online shopping carts.

Since the leftist government of the Obama-Biden regime can’t legally defeat the Second Amendment Americans, they will attack their weakest members in order to drive the customer base to where they can monitor and govern them through a distorted, subjectively controlled, legal system.

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Makes total sense. Especially when you consider that if ATF goes after a big retailer, like Academy or Bass Pro, they can afford to hire a team of defense attorneys.

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It's time to take out the current regime permanently.

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Why do they even call it the ATF, they do nothing pertaining to alcohol and tobacco. Are the kicking in the doors of home brewers?

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Not yet, but don't give them any ideas! LOL!

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May 30Liked by Lee Williams

Biden's dystopian methods for keeping our communities safe.

End the ATF.

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End Biden too. I still think Obama is pulling Joes strings.

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May 30Liked by Lee Williams

Makes me wonder if those ATF agents have any morals or a conscience. How can they go home to thier families and act normal.

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I've wondered that too. How can they think what they're doing is right, much less legal.

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May 30Liked by Lee Williams

So how is a gun dealer supposed to know if an *ammo* purchaser is a "prohibited person"? As for ATFE raiding legit gun dealers like Fincher, they are too much a p**sy to go after men who will likely shoot back - that aside from the "desirable" optics of supporting Biden's lie that there are many crooked FFL licensees. This ATFE man Mongoloid, or whatever his name is, sounds like a "piece of work" to me.

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Asked but not answered on the prohibited person. Maybe ATF wants FFLs to use some type of magic or divination to determine whether the guy who wants a box of .22LRs has a felony conviction.

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At least they didn't murder him. How can they charge him with selling firearms without a license when he had his license? Com on congress abolish the ATF already before more people are fucked over by the ATF

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