It's been several years back now, we're leaving the gun club, my brother is driving, and needless to say he wasn't paying attention and was speeding. Well, the oncoming FHP did a turnaround, but my brother has enough sense to immediately pull over. He isn't carrying but I am.
The Trooper walks up to the truck and my brother tells him we have guns in the car. His response was " I'm not worried about that."
Around 30 years ago I was driving back to Dallas after an elk hunt in CO. I was new to TX and still had CO plates. Oncoming HP in a Camaro barreled through the median and I pulled over, fully aware I was speeding. He approached and saw the several cases of beer and pointed out that there was a limit on what I could import. I was ignorant of that and said so.
He asked if I had anything else to declare so I advised there were rifles in the trunk and a revolver under my seat, which he asked to see in order to see if it was stolen.
When he came back he remarked as to how much he liked it - a Colt custom shop Grizzly and asked if he could dry fire by the side of the road, to which I agreed.
He handed it back and I asked if I could have a look at his firearm.
He chuckled and said - slow down the rest of your trip and have a nice day.
Still curious as to how many passing motorists wondered what was going on with him pointing a firearm out toward the prairie while I was standing next to him.
Florida isn't a state that requires you to notify officers if you are carrying, nor is my state, so my general rule of thumb is that unless required to by state law or directly asked by the officer, I am not volunteering that information in a routine traffic stop. Far too many cops, like this lady, are not equipped to see a legally armed civilian as anything but a threat. Notifying them you are armed just increases the likelihood of something going sideways and is none of their business.
Having said that, why this cop would decide that in a traffic stop the thing to do is to attempt to disarm a legally carrying civilian is beyond me. Maybe less time painting your fingernails black and more becoming comfortable with firearms and the laws of the state of Florida would have benefitted her?
And now he has an extra hole in him that he didn't have when he started his day. Waiting for the pro bono attorneys start offering their services to him.
FTO does not train manual of arms for every handgun. There’s no way for them to know every gun. Leave them alone unless there is an overwhelming need to disarm the citizens. We need to get away from all this officer safety rights violations. Penn v Mimms requires an articulation of way the person was considered a dangerous person. But cops always leave that part out.
Very true. As a LEO firearms instructor back in the early 2000s, I had a sergeant who tried to stuff a Mini-14 magazine in backwards, (rounds pointed towards the rifle's butt) and got it stuck in the mag well. Then I had a lieutenant that was carrying FMJ practice ammo for his duty rounds, he didn't know that there was a difference . I politely asked him to let me go to our general stores to get him a box of Speer Gold Dot Hollow point duty ammo. Yep, sometimes incompetence abounds in that community.
My ex cop ccw instructor told us to keep quiet about your handgun. Here in KS informing officers about having a gun on you is not required nor encouraged. This is exactly one of my fears, a dumb cop trying to pull my 38 snubby shooting me.
This incident should lead to the underlying Mentality of Police:
"They ARE the LAW" not just "Law Enforcement" which is bad enough when compared to What their jobs should be as "Peace Officers"
Deputies, especially reflect their Boss's Attitude, The Sheriff ; generally speaking, but indivudals of course exert their own biases and training.
Was this female deputy a diversity hire? Or just badly trained ?
How limited is the Sheriff's office in Duval County??? as the City of Jacksonville occupies most of the county with City Police ?
As a previous resident of Pinellas County, the Authoritarian Sheriff's Attitude permeates that force, with many questionable unconstitutional incidents when I was there 11 years ago.
In the final Analysis, the People elect their OppreSSors or Defenders. With FL's Red Flag Law, I'm glad to be Free of that in GA. even with all it's faults.
Thanks for the clarification. So “Who” is in control of the Sheriff, the Voters or the democrat Mayor???
Repubs may think the democRats are “down & out” in FL. but I lived there for 25 years and the Bolshevik democRats are Infested in Gov Bureaucrazies, Gov Skools, & Lawfare Cartels like Morgan & Morgan.
The Next Repub Governor needs to make DeSantis seem moderate, State Atty Gen and other State/County officials must be MAGA not Repub Estab. to keep winning the war.
Through my two-lane town, I sped up too soon to get to highway speed when I was pulled over by local police. I was told in firearms training to announce that I had a CC license and firearm which was in my purse. That wasn’t good enough though I showed him my licenses. He told me to give the gun to him, so I handed him my purse. He had no right to take my purse and gun on a traffic stop. He told me to slow down, and gave me back my purse. It was an awkwardly managed stop, but at least I didn’t get shot like Jason did. Poor guy could have bled out! Thank God the police body cameras recorded the incident protecting Jason’s account of the shooting. You would think a license to carry would mean something.
The cause of the unintentional shooting was the failure of the Sheriff to 1) provide proper training, 2) failure of the officer's leadership to have effective standards of training, and 3) failure of the organization AND leadership to have a culture of excellence.
The officer's immediate superiors and the entire chain of authority were clearly influenced by the DEI and woke influences that either degraded a superior organization or merely perpetuated a poorly functioning force that was only daylighted by the addition or body cams.
We need to normalize concealed firearms within the police standards and training. There is no way every cop know the manual of arms for every handgun a citizen could carry. This practice of DISARMING LAWFULLY CARRYING CITIZENS NEEDS TO STOP. I watch a lot of YouTube videos and it would take two hands and foot to count how many times a police officer has steeped a person with the muzzle of a loaded firearm, usually when fumbling around trying to unload it. This guy was lucky one of the cops looked like,he had some BLS training and was able to slow the bleeding. I heard him tell the EMS it was an arterial bleed. The guy would have died had there not been a trained person on site. Talk to your Cheifs and Sheriffs. This has to stop.
Traffic stop here in Texas, cop pulls me over, asks for license and insurance. Give license, insurance. Five minutes later cop gives ticket, everybody drives away. My dad told me a cop is doing a job, he doesn't have a reason to pull you over, give em shit, they explain, everybody gets awkward a moment, apologies given. Everyone drives away, no stupid shit. Just my experience but the story is one of those things that can and did happen. When the police realized that the gun wasn't coming free should've stopped, there's that voice in your head that says “stop you're gonna fuck this up” should've listened. Of course I can't talk but every time I should've listened.
"Grossly incompetent" doesn't begin to describe the egregious stupidity of that silly woman.
What the hell was this guy even OUT of his car for? Running a red light in Florida is NOT EVEN a misdemeanor; it's a traffic infraction, a "moving violation" that at worst will result in a ticket handed through the driver's window, a fine and points on your license.
Time to say it again: Cops are NOT your friends and any encounter with them is almost the equivalent of coming face to face with a gang of punk teenage thugs.
I hope that guy sues that county's ass off so richly that he never has to swing anyone's crane another single time in his life.
Is it appropriate here to say that women should not be patrol officers?
I'm assuming (perhaps incorrectly) he's in a Constitutional carry state. I also live in a Constitutional carry state, but I still have a CCW permit (actually 2). IF I'm stopped (which I have not been here), they are going to get my DL, and both CCWs.
I have been stopped in another state and asked where the weapon was. I told the officer, and that was the end of *that* discussion.
I for one, am tired of seeing male citizens possibly putting their lives on the line saving female LEOs.
"Is it appropriate here to say that women should not be patrol officers?"
In this circumstance I'd agree with you, but I don't see why woman cannot be patrol officers, they just cannot be diversity hires or hired because of affirmative action.
If the standards go back to what they used to be, and women can meet that standard, then fine. A problem that goes with these new, lowered standards, is that there are now MEN on the force that do not measure up. The entire force is weakened.
I don't disagree, this all started when the Liberals decided that we needed fire departments that represented the demographics of the community, and that flowed over into the PD.
FWIW: I applied for the job as a LEO in Davie, FL, oh this must have been in the 1980's. The cafeteria at Broward Community College was full of applicants. They were looking to fill three positions. I managed to get interviewed for the job, but I'd assume that most people seriously failed the initial exam.
Until the Females are required to use less than lethal force in a disagreement; When a male could cold cock the offender. However, I guess the mace option is the go to response for unruly subjects.
I'm not anti-cop, I have a friend who was deliberately run over deploying a spike strip on a fleeing felon. It's a tough job for a man, women aren't suited for patrol work, but the Ongoing brainwashing of the 60's is too much to question anymore.
I'm not anti-cop, either. I have many friends over several states who are current or retired LEOs (all males).
You are correct. The brainwashing began in the 1960s. It's more prevalent/ complete in younger generations, tho.
I have had horses my entire life, and as an only child, worked with my dad to build fences and a barn among other things. I've been bucking hay since I was 12. I was VERY strong as a teenager and young woman. I am still very strong for a woman my age. However, men have longer limbs, which gives them a mechanical advantage in an altercation with a female as well as testerone, which gives them a physical strength advantage.
I stand by my assertion that women should not be patrol officers. It's not safe for them, and it's not safe (or fair) for civilians to have to come to their aid.
It's been several years back now, we're leaving the gun club, my brother is driving, and needless to say he wasn't paying attention and was speeding. Well, the oncoming FHP did a turnaround, but my brother has enough sense to immediately pull over. He isn't carrying but I am.
The Trooper walks up to the truck and my brother tells him we have guns in the car. His response was " I'm not worried about that."
Around 30 years ago I was driving back to Dallas after an elk hunt in CO. I was new to TX and still had CO plates. Oncoming HP in a Camaro barreled through the median and I pulled over, fully aware I was speeding. He approached and saw the several cases of beer and pointed out that there was a limit on what I could import. I was ignorant of that and said so.
He asked if I had anything else to declare so I advised there were rifles in the trunk and a revolver under my seat, which he asked to see in order to see if it was stolen.
When he came back he remarked as to how much he liked it - a Colt custom shop Grizzly and asked if he could dry fire by the side of the road, to which I agreed.
He handed it back and I asked if I could have a look at his firearm.
He chuckled and said - slow down the rest of your trip and have a nice day.
Still curious as to how many passing motorists wondered what was going on with him pointing a firearm out toward the prairie while I was standing next to him.
Florida isn't a state that requires you to notify officers if you are carrying, nor is my state, so my general rule of thumb is that unless required to by state law or directly asked by the officer, I am not volunteering that information in a routine traffic stop. Far too many cops, like this lady, are not equipped to see a legally armed civilian as anything but a threat. Notifying them you are armed just increases the likelihood of something going sideways and is none of their business.
Having said that, why this cop would decide that in a traffic stop the thing to do is to attempt to disarm a legally carrying civilian is beyond me. Maybe less time painting your fingernails black and more becoming comfortable with firearms and the laws of the state of Florida would have benefitted her?
They were disarming him for his safety and theirs.
LOL! Exactly!
"“Unfortunately combined with the holster and the pants, it just was not coming out freely,”
Oh man ROFLMAO. Poor man though; this is some insane levels of incompetence.
Exactly! Thought the very same thing.
And now he has an extra hole in him that he didn't have when he started his day. Waiting for the pro bono attorneys start offering their services to him.
Seems that the bullet came out very freelt!
You are probably right but I am still busting my gut over her phrasing!
Should have been "Officer Arrested" after shooting citizen. As a former LEO, the amount of incompetence displayed is staggering. Who was her FTO?
How about some charges ??
If you accidentally shot the LEO, how would that go ??
What charges?
FTO does not train manual of arms for every handgun. There’s no way for them to know every gun. Leave them alone unless there is an overwhelming need to disarm the citizens. We need to get away from all this officer safety rights violations. Penn v Mimms requires an articulation of way the person was considered a dangerous person. But cops always leave that part out.
Very true. As a LEO firearms instructor back in the early 2000s, I had a sergeant who tried to stuff a Mini-14 magazine in backwards, (rounds pointed towards the rifle's butt) and got it stuck in the mag well. Then I had a lieutenant that was carrying FMJ practice ammo for his duty rounds, he didn't know that there was a difference . I politely asked him to let me go to our general stores to get him a box of Speer Gold Dot Hollow point duty ammo. Yep, sometimes incompetence abounds in that community.
My ex cop ccw instructor told us to keep quiet about your handgun. Here in KS informing officers about having a gun on you is not required nor encouraged. This is exactly one of my fears, a dumb cop trying to pull my 38 snubby shooting me.
This incident should lead to the underlying Mentality of Police:
"They ARE the LAW" not just "Law Enforcement" which is bad enough when compared to What their jobs should be as "Peace Officers"
Deputies, especially reflect their Boss's Attitude, The Sheriff ; generally speaking, but indivudals of course exert their own biases and training.
Was this female deputy a diversity hire? Or just badly trained ?
How limited is the Sheriff's office in Duval County??? as the City of Jacksonville occupies most of the county with City Police ?
As a previous resident of Pinellas County, the Authoritarian Sheriff's Attitude permeates that force, with many questionable unconstitutional incidents when I was there 11 years ago.
In the final Analysis, the People elect their OppreSSors or Defenders. With FL's Red Flag Law, I'm glad to be Free of that in GA. even with all it's faults.
Duuuuuval county sheriff and the city police are one and the same. The entire county is also city of Jacksonville. There is no separate city police.
Thanks for the clarification. So “Who” is in control of the Sheriff, the Voters or the democrat Mayor???
Repubs may think the democRats are “down & out” in FL. but I lived there for 25 years and the Bolshevik democRats are Infested in Gov Bureaucrazies, Gov Skools, & Lawfare Cartels like Morgan & Morgan.
The Next Repub Governor needs to make DeSantis seem moderate, State Atty Gen and other State/County officials must be MAGA not Repub Estab. to keep winning the war.
Through my two-lane town, I sped up too soon to get to highway speed when I was pulled over by local police. I was told in firearms training to announce that I had a CC license and firearm which was in my purse. That wasn’t good enough though I showed him my licenses. He told me to give the gun to him, so I handed him my purse. He had no right to take my purse and gun on a traffic stop. He told me to slow down, and gave me back my purse. It was an awkwardly managed stop, but at least I didn’t get shot like Jason did. Poor guy could have bled out! Thank God the police body cameras recorded the incident protecting Jason’s account of the shooting. You would think a license to carry would mean something.
Constitutional Carry eliminates asking permission for a license..... but it Scares the Gru&Mint state legislators and polezi.
If the police were actually Constitutionally Oriented they would want to Maintain friendly relations with the Citizens.
btw, Having the Majority of Citizens' interaction with Polezi being Revenue Enhancement Traffic Stops for minor violations doesn't create friendships.
Thanks! Yep, town cop vs county sheriff. A mile or so would have been out of his jurisdiction.
The cause of the unintentional shooting was the failure of the Sheriff to 1) provide proper training, 2) failure of the officer's leadership to have effective standards of training, and 3) failure of the organization AND leadership to have a culture of excellence.
The officer's immediate superiors and the entire chain of authority were clearly influenced by the DEI and woke influences that either degraded a superior organization or merely perpetuated a poorly functioning force that was only daylighted by the addition or body cams.
We need to normalize concealed firearms within the police standards and training. There is no way every cop know the manual of arms for every handgun a citizen could carry. This practice of DISARMING LAWFULLY CARRYING CITIZENS NEEDS TO STOP. I watch a lot of YouTube videos and it would take two hands and foot to count how many times a police officer has steeped a person with the muzzle of a loaded firearm, usually when fumbling around trying to unload it. This guy was lucky one of the cops looked like,he had some BLS training and was able to slow the bleeding. I heard him tell the EMS it was an arterial bleed. The guy would have died had there not been a trained person on site. Talk to your Cheifs and Sheriffs. This has to stop.
Traffic stop here in Texas, cop pulls me over, asks for license and insurance. Give license, insurance. Five minutes later cop gives ticket, everybody drives away. My dad told me a cop is doing a job, he doesn't have a reason to pull you over, give em shit, they explain, everybody gets awkward a moment, apologies given. Everyone drives away, no stupid shit. Just my experience but the story is one of those things that can and did happen. When the police realized that the gun wasn't coming free should've stopped, there's that voice in your head that says “stop you're gonna fuck this up” should've listened. Of course I can't talk but every time I should've listened.
"Grossly incompetent" doesn't begin to describe the egregious stupidity of that silly woman.
What the hell was this guy even OUT of his car for? Running a red light in Florida is NOT EVEN a misdemeanor; it's a traffic infraction, a "moving violation" that at worst will result in a ticket handed through the driver's window, a fine and points on your license.
Time to say it again: Cops are NOT your friends and any encounter with them is almost the equivalent of coming face to face with a gang of punk teenage thugs.
I hope that guy sues that county's ass off so richly that he never has to swing anyone's crane another single time in his life.
Is it appropriate here to say that women should not be patrol officers?
I'm assuming (perhaps incorrectly) he's in a Constitutional carry state. I also live in a Constitutional carry state, but I still have a CCW permit (actually 2). IF I'm stopped (which I have not been here), they are going to get my DL, and both CCWs.
I have been stopped in another state and asked where the weapon was. I told the officer, and that was the end of *that* discussion.
I for one, am tired of seeing male citizens possibly putting their lives on the line saving female LEOs.
"Is it appropriate here to say that women should not be patrol officers?"
In this circumstance I'd agree with you, but I don't see why woman cannot be patrol officers, they just cannot be diversity hires or hired because of affirmative action.
If the standards go back to what they used to be, and women can meet that standard, then fine. A problem that goes with these new, lowered standards, is that there are now MEN on the force that do not measure up. The entire force is weakened.
I don't disagree, this all started when the Liberals decided that we needed fire departments that represented the demographics of the community, and that flowed over into the PD.
FWIW: I applied for the job as a LEO in Davie, FL, oh this must have been in the 1980's. The cafeteria at Broward Community College was full of applicants. They were looking to fill three positions. I managed to get interviewed for the job, but I'd assume that most people seriously failed the initial exam.
Until the Females are required to use less than lethal force in a disagreement; When a male could cold cock the offender. However, I guess the mace option is the go to response for unruly subjects.
I'm not anti-cop, I have a friend who was deliberately run over deploying a spike strip on a fleeing felon. It's a tough job for a man, women aren't suited for patrol work, but the Ongoing brainwashing of the 60's is too much to question anymore.
I'm not anti-cop, either. I have many friends over several states who are current or retired LEOs (all males).
You are correct. The brainwashing began in the 1960s. It's more prevalent/ complete in younger generations, tho.
I have had horses my entire life, and as an only child, worked with my dad to build fences and a barn among other things. I've been bucking hay since I was 12. I was VERY strong as a teenager and young woman. I am still very strong for a woman my age. However, men have longer limbs, which gives them a mechanical advantage in an altercation with a female as well as testerone, which gives them a physical strength advantage.
I stand by my assertion that women should not be patrol officers. It's not safe for them, and it's not safe (or fair) for civilians to have to come to their aid.
Cops shouldn't be allowed to disarm people when it's not directly related to what's being investigated. It wastes time and exposes people to fishing.
If a cop has no specific reason to consider you a threat, they shouldn't treat you like one.
Dumbest thing any cop can do