Our representative government is failing, every day, at their simple job of protecting this country and the people within it. Until actions taken by government officials, which lead to the infringement of civil rights, are made to be criminal and with heavy penalties that are enforced by the government, those government officials will feel no compunction about violating the rights of the people. They will easily feel it is within their purview to act as they deem fit and modify their own 'rules of engagement' when they like. Again, this abuse of authority has been allowed or even designed by Congress so that Congress will have more time for their re-election.

These violations are laughed off as 'administrative errors' but they're much more than that and they really should have severe consequences which result in fines and jail time. These violations are destroying the foundation of the nation but our elected representatives aren't even familiar with that foundation - the US Constitution. Or worse, they choose to act against it, sometimes openly and in violation of the oath they have taken. - Again, there is no real punishment for that violation.

When the ATF lies and fails to do their jobs properly, the blame isn't only on poor management by SACs and other local or even regional supervision. The blame for THIS failure is the responsibility of the Executive and Legislative branches of government. THEY have allowed these bureaucrats so much leeway and freedom to 'act' that they are 'acting' with malice against easy targets - the law abiding citizens.

Agencies such as the ATF have been given too much authority without responsibility and repercussions. They are basically loose cannons and nobody will be held responsible for their actions in a manner that will result in corrections. While there are many rules and regulations regarding these agencies, there are so many that they carry no real weight. Micro-management is failure to manage.

Congress has built a system in which authority can be assumed or avoided at will. That's very dangerous to a free country.

The only corrective action the people can take (voting) is so far removed from the problem that the problem, if ever even addressed in a campaign, is forgotten and ignored by the time that representative takes office.

It's surprising how many failures of government can be linked to the lack of term limits. The legislators are much more concerned about re-election than about doing their elected jobs, and there is no real punishment for that failure. Without term limits they can always claim to fix the problem 'next session'. They simply 'kick the can down the road'.

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I certainly couldn't have said it better, Mike. Thanks!

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At some point Constitutional sheriff's and law enforcement agencies/departments throughout our country are going to have to band together and publicly call out the ATF and media for the outright lies.

The American people need to see this and know our tax dollars are funding this propaganda war. And it's no different then a foreign country seizing power from they're people.

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Amen, brother!!!

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Surprise our government is lying to us! Then everyone wonders why when they say "No we are not trying to take your guns, we just want common sense gun control", we don't believe them! You think that would be common sense!

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I've been reading about "Gun Control" for over 40 years going back to when I purchased my first Guns and Ammo magazine when I was about 15. THEY want total civilian disarmament. but like all of the other progressive's mandates; "The rules are for thee, not for we!"

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