The only thing we, the United States, needed to do was keep oil @$30.00 a barrel instead of lining Valdimir's pocket with cash for "Foreign oil" that nitwit Jen Psaki states we have to become nondependent on.

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If the DOD did open ITAR for it, they surely wouldn't let them come back. They'd probably be happy to help us purge guns and find some excuse for them to never be recovered.

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Ukraine has a desperate need for DARPA "igniter bullets" which can penetrate those Russian tankers. Maybe 6.5mm for the 6.5PRC or 6.5-300. Rifles for that caliber are becoming plentiful.

The Russians hauled all the explosives needed. All Ukraine needs is a match.

Why is it that everything the military buys seems to be overpriced and ineffective? Don't we have anyone working for the public instead of that bloated arms industry?

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I’ve tried to reach Ukrainian snipers I met before the invasion.

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The news is abuzz with all these fire and forget wonder weapons....never considering how expensive and hard to deliver they are. It's amazing how our government always fails to see the obvious. Like "Ukrainians need simple tools that work".

Looking at that "40 mile" train stopped just outside of Kiev under magnification - it's almost all tanker trucks. Tanker trucks built with poly fuel tanks designed to resist puncture by AK-47s.

So why hasn't DARPA released bullets for hunting rifles designed to penetrate ans ignite these tanks? Maybe I'm out of line here but I think it's doable and likely cheap. Certainly ther must be reloaders in Ukraine - so DARPA just needs to deliver these "matches". The Russians brought all the explosives.

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While I support the Ukrainian *people*, I don't support the Ukrainian government. The "democracy" is the one that was installed; let's not forget the hefty cash flow coming in to the Bidens (and others). A little digging shows that US-sponsored biolabs *do* exist near the border.

So the long and short of this is that innocent people will suffer for the evil of governments.

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"Unfair" "Peaceful neighbor" You're believing the propaganda. You haven't learned anything. Yea. lets all root for "Joe Biden's State Department (and) the DOD." The fact that baseline politics in Ukraine is to deny citizens the right to arm themselves, and that they are now desperately loaning guns to civilians, doesn't mean that Ukraine has learned the value of the second amendment.

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