The NICS background check system asks if the information on the 4473 matches the ID and you have to affirm this to move forward with the background check. As an FFL unless I have some suspicion to the contrary my responsibility ends when I am presented with a valid government issued ID.

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Jul 5Liked by Lee Williams

It doesn't matter when your responsibility actually ends if the communists running the show feel like changing policy and procedure in order to frame you. The new government of the USSA - Union of Soviet Socialist America - wants to keep people in fear of their power.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Liked by Lee Williams

Hunter Biden was famous because of his dad, and was in the news often.

Very few people in Delaware didn't know who he was at the time, and most didn't know he wasn't a Delaware resident.

It would be nice if he was sentenced, just to complete the conviction, and then have the conviction overturned to set a precedent.

That would clear up another constant infringement and should be able to be used to overturn other similar convictions that shouldn't have been.

That dweeb Chipman tried to compare this event to drug deals. 1st, that's stupid in many ways and 2nd, dealers and illegal users are prosecuted and sentenced all the time. Dealing in illegal substances is a crime and using illegal substances is a crime. Guns are not illegal substances.

The sentence should fit the crime. The seller in this case violated an administrative procedure - NOT a criminal act. He should have to pay a small fine for failure to fully follow procedure.

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Jul 5Liked by Lee Williams

These damn propagandists make me sick! The communist will eat their own to stay in power! Pathetic.. Yhe problem is there’s to many sheeple amongst us. And it’s up to us to wake them up. Some we will be able to. But in some cases we can’t repair the mental illness that’s running rampant throughout this great Republic.

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"Vaughn, like Hunter Biden, had no criminal history at the time of her firearm purchases."

We all know the only reason Hunter Biden had no criminal history is because of who his father is.

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This sounds much like the guy who commits a crime and then claims he is innocent because no one told him he was not allowed to commit what he should have known all along is a crime. The old expression "ignorance of the law is no excuse" comes to mind.

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That's all of a piece with the "rules for thee but not for me" setup. What gun shop owners should really check for is whether the customer belongs to a crime family, I mean a politician's family, goodness me, dang you, auto-correct.

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Because the Biden Family is drunk on power, I am betting that the local gun shop knew Biden's son and other family members, and if the shop's owner or employee had rejected selling Hunter a firearm there would be a very distinct possibility there would be revenge taken by the Biden Family. Perhaps a visit by the glorious ATF or the IRS or both. Anyone who's read the news over the past six years knows Joe will do anything for his son, even if it's unethical and totally corrupt. So Yah, I'd accept a passport as a form of ID from Joe's boy. Don't want to lose sleep every night for the next ten years worried that the ATF might break my door down at 3 a.m. and kill me when I attempt to defend my home from an invasion.

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As an FFL myself, I know transferring a handgun has very specific criteria, which force additional scrutiny on the part of the licensee. Because FFLs cannot transfer handguns to people outside their state of operation, an ID must be presented with an address located in that state.

Furthermore, if the address on the ID does not match the address filled in by the transferee on the form, another piece of government documentation with the address of residence filled out on the 4473 must be presented and noted by the FFL on the form.

A passport, for any FFL that has been properly trained, is not a valid form of ID by itself, as it has no address on it. That's why the FFL added a notation on the 4473 afterwards, that a Delaware driver's license had been presented as well. If that were true, the driver's license should have been used as the primary ID, as it has an address on it, rather than the passport.

Although I agree with Mr. Williams and the premise of the article, the FFL screwed up.

Regardless, just because one law was not followed, and a control gate bypassed, that does not absolve the person filling out the 4473. In this instance, Mr. Biden lied. The form is very clear about the penalties associated with filling it out untruthfully. I have been forced to go to court on numerous occasions to testify against people that have lied on the 4473. They are the ones ultimately responsible for what they do on that form.

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Doesn't Hunter own the Biden home in Delaware? If so he is a resident. The gun shop could sell him the firearm. All they would have to do is get a copy of property taxes.

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Owning property does not make you a resident in and of itself.

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