Prosecutors letting criminals back on the streets without being held responsible are the cause of a very large amount of violent crime and preventable death today. We need MUCH stronger punishment for prosecutors that don't do the jobs they swore an oath to perform. If the release of a repeat offender results in someone's death, the prosecutor should be fired or impeached and prosecuted as an accessory to the crime.

It would be shocking how fast the crime rates would drop.

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Progressives are howling saying that gun deaths of children is now higher than car accident: https://www.foxnews.com/us/guns-leading-cause-death-children-cdc

Nothing like pulling at heartstrings. So frustrating when they close schools for Covid, and defund police. Gang activities increase. What do they expect?! The CDC eagerly reports “gun deaths” like they do with Covid deaths. The Leftists at NIH, CDC and FDA are agenda driven propagandists on these issues and we have lost freedom and lives as a result of how they have handled the pandemic.

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