This attack is relentless on our 2A rights. As soon as one door closes for them they try digging a whole under the door. This fight will not go anywhere for decades. Stay vigilant and as always Lee thank you for the exkposure.

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Thanks, Jerry.

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Lee, any chance of a story regarding the recently-released video from Black Metal Firearms in which an ATF agent is seen using her personal cell phone to photograph his entire Dealer Log with transaction and customer info? Edit - apologies for the double post.

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Gotta thank you for the tip!!!!

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Glad to help get the word out. I can complain to my four buddies, but you have a bit more footprint.

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But my footprint is miniscule unless I can get tips. Thanks again. Big thanks!!!!!

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Haven't seen it. Will check. Thanks!

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I'm not a lawyer, but it would seem to me that fining two FL gun dealers over "advertising and selling illegal large-capacity magazines (LCMs) to New Jersey consumers online" is unenforceable. the magazines are not illegal in Florida and a dealer has no control over who looks at their online advertising. How is a state law enforceable upon another State?

This is all part of THEIR endgame. SCOTUS rules "Constitutionally" therefore the Leftists are going to use litigation to bleed valuable resources from the gun industry, pro 2A groups etc. What really sucks is that "We the People" have to finance both sides in these lawsuits.

When we lived in Long Island with my grandparents, grandpa would watch boxing matches at Madison Square Gardens of TV. He had an expression you'd hear him say. "Throw the bum out!"

Semms like good advice for our politicians, "Throw the Bums out!"

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Excellent advice!!!

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The NJAG is a hard-core Fascist. What less might we expect?

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