GACV points to data that looks to derive from Fast and Furious. An article in 2010 revealing problem border area gun dealers that account for significant number in the same sentence as BATFE revelations. The Mexicans look to be citing Fast and Furious findings. Can anyone provide a link to the 2010 NYT article? Defendants need to see to the dismissal of any evidence served up under Obama era. The straw purchases that occurred under Fast and Furious were bogus operational events. It’s an infuriating circumstance.

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I know a couple guys who broke the story. I shall check with them.

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ChatGPT “In 2010, The New York Times published an editorial titled “Death and American Guns in Mexico,” But I couldn’t negotiate the archives. Interestingly I found something that looks like a rebuttal to some foundational story but it predates 2010. Perhaps NYT updated their opinion piece? https://www.gun-tests.com/viewpoints/commentary/the-new-york-times-errs-on-guns-and-mexico/

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Thanks Lee, another excellent article which inspires America's second amendment community to keep fighting to good fight of protecting our God Given Rights to Self-Defense. The fact remains that when society has more guns, violent crimes diminish without exception for the law-abiding citizens. Desperation is the sign of a failed endeavor. The Truth is never in such a predicament.

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Thanks, David. Appreciated.

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Biden has with the acquiescence of judiciary set the precedent that executive privilege wall claimed by prior presidential administrations can be torn down. It would be ironic and poetic justice, if the Mexican lawsuit against the US gun manufacturers becomes a vehicle through which Trump can force full disclosure of F&F memos from National Archives. Reveal that Mexico is just carrying stale water for the Obama administrations construction of a rogue gun industry narrative with operational straw purchases performed under ATF overwatch.

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Has Lowy sent that letter to Obama and Holder? Friends just want to know.

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