What do you recommend for dry firing? Any special equipment? Bore laser, etc.

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Good question. I've got a Mantis trainer, but for day-to-day all I use is a dot on the wall.

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As a former IPSC competitor, I was already dumping a thousand rounds a week into the berm or plate, and dry fire practice was a standard part of daily training. I had a 3x5 card set at 7 yards on the wall and would draw to that every time.

To practice my index shooting, I'd see my little magic marker dot, close both eyes, draw as fast as possible, then open them to see if my sights were on. As time went by indexing was second nature. I could draw and be dead on my target in hundredths of a second.

Then, I would rotate my body 15 degrees or so and repeat until I could draw to a target with my eyes closed and be on it every time no matter my body position. In time, I would alter the distances to target and start all over again.

You are almost never going to have time to draw, get a perfect sight picture, and shoot your assailant. This is where index shooting comes into play. You're shooting with muscle memory only. If you have time to line up a sight picture, you would almost always have time to break contact. Being able to do this quickly and efficiently may be the difference in who gets shot first, you or your attacker.

Once you have that training routine down, being able to do mag changes or clearing stoppages or misfires is next.

I had a box of dummy rounds I created on my Dillon with no powder and spent primers. This gave the weight of a full mag. I would practice dropping my magazine onto a carpet and without looking grab my spare insert and rock on. Repeat until your hands hurt. Take a break and repeat.

At my prime, I was confident enough to take on long guns inside of 35 yards .

A string of injuries , including catching a ricochet off a plate with the end of my humerus (which shattered) ended my IPSC time prematurely. I never stopped training though. I want every single edge I can get if comes down to being necessary to send hate capsules downrange again.

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