I wish I had the time to organize a national armed protest. 100,000 armed Americans at each state capital. The Poli's just don't seem to understand these are our rights! We abolished slavery because we believed it was a moral evil. We gave women the right to vote because we believe they have a voice. We keep and bear arms to insure the rest of our rights!!!! California just had another mass shooting and what does their governor do? OHHHH they need more gun control!!!!! I'm pretty sure that psychopath missed the gun free zone signs. They should make bigger signs or change the font.... 🤣

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Yeah, it's amazing how that mass shooting in one of the most gun-restrictive states will increase the cry for more gun control. Convenient it comes right when Chipman is being confirmed, no?

BTW, what will happen in those sanctuary places when Chipman is in and the confiscation starts?

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I wish we could follow the US Constitution and just be a 2A Country Sanctuary, as it written and it should be. I despise Democrats and RINOs that constantly fight to remove our 2A protection under the US Constitution.

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Glad to see Collier County was one of the first (2013), but we need this at the state level too. We need more teeth and more alignment. Where is Gov Ron DeSantis on this? Everything else he has been doing has been good but we need to step up on this already.

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And where is Florida?

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South of Georgia, east of Texas (across the Gulf) :P

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