Since there were so many mass shootings, it's obvious that more people should carry arms at all times.

There should be more groups that correlate the mass shootings with gun free zones. And also other events when people who were carrying and able to stop (or prevent) a mass shooting. Qualification to include events in these numbers should be even more relaxed than those by the gun grabbers. These numbers should be large, not small. The GVA should be made to look like they don't include enough events or info.

Instead of people being fearful of guns, they should be fearful of the people who use the guns to commit crimes - and their enablers. They should be shown how using guns in self defense saves lives and how often that happens.

These numbers should also include data about the shooters indicating repeat offenders and how often they had contact with law enforcement but were released or never prosecuted for their crimes, along with the names of the prosecutors and judges who released them - the enablers of mass shootings. Identify them for what they are. People who are supposed to enforce and prosecute the law, but who are actually a large part of the revolving door of 'gun violence'.

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If they insist on sticking to the 648 number remind them how all the details within run up hard against their narrative. (assault weapons, white incels, school warzones, etc) They won't acknowledge the cognitive dissonance, of course, they never do.

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Exactly. They have never cared about the truth.

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Yes, and if Democrats stopped shooting people, gun violence would go down by 98%! Now there is a statistic for you… :-)

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If we analyzed Obesity and how it relates to forks and spoons, with the same points of scrutiny and criteria as mass shootings are subjected to, the case of imposing licensing and background checks and medical records investigation and research before issuing forks and spoons, would be legally reasonable and therefore prudent in order to save lives.

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