Respectfully Mr. Williams you’re wrong. There’s nothing unfortunate with regard to Mr. Bridges because as a "journalist" his so called facts were wrong and inaccurately presented. It is unfortunate for his readers who are influenced by the dribble he promulgates and take as fact. Mr. Bridges and his ilk have their own hidden agenda and manufacture "facts" to support that agenda without letting the real facts get in the way.

It’s also wrong to giving Mr. Bridges credit for anything. He did what he did as a means of self-aggrandizement: See I can point out where I need correction. He tries to make you believe that his arm is long enough to pat himself on the back. He and his small staff are either too lazy or inept to do the necessary work to get the actual facts but instead make up their own facts or use the echo chamber of other "media" and use them as their accurate sources. Sounds a lot like Adam Schiff or Joe McCarthy.

They also "analyze" the data they glean to render the outcome they want. There’s an old saying: FIGURES DON'T LIE BUT LIARS FIGURE. This is just another example.

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Words (and definitions) matter. The mainstream media has been playing with the meaning of words for decades to propagate their left wing, progressive agenda. The Second Amendment has been an easy victim of this word play as there is no strong, unified voice for rebuttal. We have seen how powerfully this works as the government (CDC) changed definitions during rhe "pandemic." Word manipulation is an important battle strategy of the Marxist one government cabal. Destroy the language=Destroy the culture. Fight back or watch your rights be destroyed. Thank you, Lee, for shining light on this anti-2A darkness.

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