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I can't say I'm really surprised. When people that act based on nothing more than their emotions come to find themselves backed into a corner by truth and reality, they take extreme measures to avoid confronting either truth or reality.

On a slightly different topic - I noticed when we use the term 'gun control' it doesn't feel like it is properly applied to these groups and individuals that want to restrict or eliminate some of the rights protected by mention in the Constitution.

It seems like 'gun control' is too positive. Who would want guns to be out of control? That's not actually representative of the desires and objectives for the members of their groups.

Isn't there a better term that can be used to refer to them? "Anti gun rights" or something that indicates the negative of what they're striving for. It might make a difference when trying to reach those people that are easily swayed with stories - and that's getting to be a very large number of people.

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