This was one of the only people to have a Firearm (His Ruger LCP) in the capital on Jan 6th, as none of the protesters did, and he's the one trying to take rights away from us.

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Great point!

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Excellent piece on a total brain donor who almost no one was sad to see leave.

One small nit, though: “To be clear, Kinzinger’s suggestion — that gun owners should help infringe upon the Second Amendment — may be the single dumbest idea we’ve heard since December 15, 1791, when the Second Amendment was ratified.”

I know what you meant here but, to the uninitiated, this could be read as “until this suggestion, the dumbest thing we’ve heard was the December 15, 1791 ratification of the Second Amendment.”

Perhaps it would have been better to say that Kinzinger’s suggestion “may be the single dumbest idea we’ve heard since the Stamp Act was passed by Parliament in 1765”?

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Good point.

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"It would be like asking newspaper editors or television producers to help weaken the First Amendment...", unfortunately that is exactly where we are right now.

It is impossible to rationalize or even have a cogent conversation with someone who is so devoid of principle.

We as armed Americans must learn a better way to communicate our perspective to the growing horde of collectivists and the WAFLs (white, affluent, feminized, liberals). The marxists are using their power of persuasion with the ignorant masses to overwhelm, flooding the zone, just like the they have done by opening the flood gates at our borders.

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Totally agree.

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In general you should never take advice from your political enemies. That seems self-evident.

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“Second Amendment people should be on the front line of gun control,” Kinzinger told the left-leaning crowd.

We are on the frontline, fighting it!

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He drank the progressive kool-aid! Fell into the grave with Liz and disappeared from any sort of relevance. . . Good riddance!

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Kinzinger, Cheney and the dozens of other repulsive RINOs are proof positive that the greatest threat to the Republican Party is the Republican Party.

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Kinzinger was re-districted out of his Congressional seat by Illinois Democrats, but he still went right along brown-nosing them with their J6 Charade. The Democrats wanted to put VP Cheney on trial for war crimes and what did Dizzy Lizzy do? The same.

"It would be asking newspaper editors and television producers to help weaken the First Amendment..." And that is exactly what they're doing too. Did any other media outlets come out and defend Fox News First Amendment rights? No! They all piled on against Fox News especially the habitual liars at MSNBC, CNN., and made sure the media coverage would force Fox News to settle, and now they're all vulnerable to these lawsuits.

"...raising the minimum age to purchase a firearm to 21 was a no brainer..." Well, well I remember an anti-war song from the Viet Nam War era that forced the Congress to lower the voting age from 21 to 18 because draftees, "Were young enough to kill but not for votin.." This hasn't changed.

We have enough problem dealing with elected that do support 2A but are "butters" we don't need any advice from a has-been.

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Kinzinger is a political opportunist who thinks he sees advantage in this position. He's obviously stuck in the Left's echo chamber or he wouldn't be taking this position.

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