Lee, what can I say about this.? She’s a witless cackling idiot “hyena”! But she’s evil to the core. Anyway the democrats have created their own insurrection within the party by subverting their own voters. As for me, just let them eat each other in their power struggle. Soon her and Biden will be stored in the dust bin of history. And Lord willing in time all of these fools will eventually be held accountable. “But I’m not holding my breath”!

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Jul 24Liked by Lee Williams

I am beginning to believe that Harris is in fact not a "witless cackling idiot." Idiot maybe, witless I don't think so. But she is most definitely a shrewd conniving individual.

She may or may not be the Democrat nominee for POTUS, but don't underestimate her getting elected. There are enough "useful idiots" in this country to elect her, or Michelle Obama.

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I concur with “useful idiots”. We have a dumbed down electorate of sheeple that are clueless of what’s going on. And a democratic party that doesn’t care about the people they only care about their own power. And they will do anything to keep it.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24Liked by Lee Williams

Lee good point, listen to the puppet speak and stop paying attention to what the puppet looks like. The leftist behind the curtain now broadcast that they meet anonymously off the record while approving a publication letting the American Public know they, the Puppet Masters, are in full operation for the stated purpose of legally circumventing the Second Amendment.


The new puppet of choice is much higher up on the Victim Paradigm, which should scare you because the entire culture and legal structure of society bases justice from this socialist leftist construct. Harris will serve to shield the puppet masters who operate behind the constitutional curtain of their design far more effectively than Biden for sure, and even better than Obama was able to do.

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Based on the news from around the country, Kamala has been as effective heading up the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention as she has been as the Border Czar. Like most of her ilk her "solutions" to the very real issue of criminals using guns is to ban firearms that are rarely used in the vast majority of shootings.

I watch the news reports on shootings around the country as closely as time allows and something that is almost always the case, the shooters have prior felony convictions and often multiple felony convictions. Perhaps if we locked up the people that commit gun violence, it might reduce gun violence? Nah.....

I keep telling people we are in a golden age of gun buying right now, every gun you could want (just about) is in stock and places are dang near giving them away but this state won't last indefinitely.

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Jul 24Liked by Lee Williams

What do you expect? The media eats this sh*t up....just like the fact that they keep insisting on using debunked (by the UN!) casualty figures from the war in Gaza. Lying comes so very easily to the left.

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If you want a glimpse of what a Harris administration will look like, look no further than New York. Kathy Hochul made Cuomo look like a moderate, for a Democrat anyway, and Harris is of the same Leftist ideology. And her becoming POTUS should scare the hell out of U.S.

I'm not convinced that Harris will be the nominee, so then who?

Hopefully the Republicans don't blow this election. Leo Terell made a statement to Mark Levin that is so true: "RINO's are more dangerous than Democrats."

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We’ve got the truth and the “guns” on our side. Make April 19, 1775 great again.

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Any Executive Orders that Kamala signs I will simply ignore. I guess she really have to authorize those house-to-house searches the leftists are always threatening. We'll see how that goes - it didn't work out well when the British tried it in the 1700s.

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