Well the way I see this is that the Taliban needs this ammo more then "We the People." After all why give them all those guns if they don't have any ammo.

Besides "we don't need weapons of war on our streets."

The hypocrisy of these people in infinite.

Susan Rice or maybe it is Obama.

Hey would the same people that trafficked guns to Mexican drug lords do the same for Afghan war lords?

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We all have some involvement and proximity in the defense of our nation. Wether it’s the front lines over seas, or the front lines in CONUS. I’m pretty sure any person that reads this post will agree on one thing. The politics are killing our nation and our brethren …. And most importantly, the leadership in our current administration is filled with a group of blithering idiots selected not by ability, but by misguided principles of affirmative action and gender politics. It breaks my heart to see such mediocrity for our great country. In closing …. The career politician by the name of Biden had no business receiving our fallen Americans… I’ve flown them back with honor. Biden doesn’t understand honor or sacrifice. He’s a low life shyster politician, just like Obama is.

It’s time to call it as it is…. 🇺🇸

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There are several reasons why I chose to divest myself of combloc ammo, and this is the prime one. Having sufficient amounts of US sourced ammo is key to long term availability IMO.

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