This Senator needs to be retired from public office asap!

I would expect this lunacy from some Democrat in Broward County but from a (R) in Bradenton.

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The link's not working, you can view the bill online here: https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2022/1534/BillText/Filed/HTML

I find it hard to decipher this legalese but it looks like he wants the penalty imposed if the merchandise stolen is $750 or more, or the accumulated theft over a period of 30 days is that amount except for individual food theft. (Then there's another section about $3,000 or more.) There may be other punishment that comes into play for this food theft that I'm not seeing.

But yes, if he's declaring open season on food theft with no punishment I'll be the first in line to take advantage of this give-away. Why not? Why should I have to pay if criminals don't have to? I guarantee these prime steaks are for my consumption.

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His constituents ought to primary him good and hard.

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Imagine being that dumb.

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I can see two possibilities.

Drug abuse.

Mental disorder.

OK, there are plenty more but those are the ones that come to the top most quickly.

Boyd's constituents need to have a talk with him.

Unless - are there any districts made up of entirely prison populations?

(last line = sarcasm)

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San Fransisco is a contender these days.

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