THEY tell U.S. "If you see something, say something."

Well, THEY knew this kid was unhinged and THEY did the same thing THEY did in Parkland, FL.


It is getting hard not to believe that THEY want these shooting to happen. Just about everyone of these incidents has all kinds of "Red Flag" warnings and what gets done about it. NOTHING!

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Everything you've written is correct, but everything has been said thousands of times before in similar situations. These issues of, laws written by egomaniacal politicians to make the uninformed *feel* good, while situationally aware law abiding citizens are increasingly disarmed and growing numbers of criminals of all stripes are allowed to prey on those who were promised government *protection* are killed in broad daylight, seems to be stuck in a never ending feedback loop.

I have struggled with how to adjust the messaging and discussion towards a solution. From my perspective, the stumbling block is the inability to have a rational argument of facts, with the irrational who believe in the utopian lies of those who spew the "if we only had better gun control laws" fallacies.

The question is, how does one convince the illogical, the irrational and the emotionally driven herd with rational logical truths?

I think our discussions need to be multifaceted, with facts for those who live in reality and some form of emotional connection for those who do not. As the whole "my subjective truth" crowd has been demonstrably effective at dominating every aspect of modern society, we need to figure out a way to harness that strategy to educate, enlighten and empower those who have been misguided for the last fifty plus years.

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I believe long guns in general including the modern sporting rifle are used in less then 5% of all justified and unjustified deaths. This would include law enforcement use as well.

The facts are handguns are used in the majority of all justified and unjustified deaths including 20-25,000 unpreventable suicides.

We don't have a gun problem in this country we have a criminal and mental health problem in this county and untill we actually make the correct changes by locking these animals up for good we'll continue down the repeat offender path.

There's approximately 40,000 to 45,000 +- deaths with the contributing factor being a firearm.

Let's break these numbers down so we can better understand them.

There's between 20,000 to 25,000 suicides +- with a firearm

There's between 8,000 to 10,000 murders +- with a firearm that are gang related. Then there's violent murders such as home invasions, carjackings, domestic situations and active killers.

Then there's around 7,000 to 9,000 +- Justified homicides/Lawful uses of deadly force like the ones listed above. And this includes law enforcement uses of deadly force.

And then we have around 350 +- accidental/negligent discharge deaths.

Now the anti gunners and the media don't want you to know this because it doesn't fit the agenda. They also won't tell you firearms are use approximately 2.5 million times a year +- to defend off a violent attacks and in most cases without a shot ever being fired and

Most of these defensive uses aren't reported.

Now let's breakdown the language and take it back.

(Gun Violence) Really when was the last time a gun was violent? It's human violence.

(Mass Shooting) You mean Mass Killings because when was the last time you seen the media call out a mass stabbing or a mass hit and run?

(Shooter) I'm a shooter Lee The Gun Writer's a shooter and we go shooting we don't go killing.

(Shooting) We go shooting and we take our kids shooting we don't go on active killing sprees with them.

The language and word twisting is just another way for the government, anti gunners and the media to lump Responsible Gun Owners in with these evil individuals.

You can easily check the FBI, ATF, and Department of Justice statistics yourself and see this figures are pretty dead on accurate

One more thing Long Guns have been used between 350 to 500 times +- in all those statistics above. And by Long Gun I mean Shotguns, Bolt Action Rifles, Semi Auto Rifles including the Modern Sporting Rifle such as the AR Platform.

So I'll asked where's the so called "Gun Violence" ? Stop releasing violent criminals back on our streets and do the same for the mentally unhinged.

One more thing besides besides the violent criminals and the mentally unhinged there's one other big common denominator. These animals intentionally target gun free zones.

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