What's Hunter Crackhead Biden going to do when his dad is out of office or Joe's brain finally gives out and he is rotting in the grave (the latter seems increasingly more likely to happen before the former)? He'll lose his Secret Service protection. I'm sure he has enemies, some very angry with him and his corrupt, perverted family. If I were Hunter, I'd be looking at moving to a friendly overseas country that owes his Dad big time - Ukraine and the People's Republic of China come to mind.

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Good question. When pops goes he loses all income sources. No one is gonna want to pay $500,000 for his finger-paintings, but he'll still need to feed his beast. Gonna be interesting.

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OK, so Hunter Lied and the DOJ was arm twisted into this "Show Trial" of showing "No One is Above the Law". Hunter will do no jail time, and diverted sheeples attention away from the Biden Crime Family's numerous Felonies & Treason. Seems a Win-Win for them/their.

Having said the above, We/Me/You are Also being "Smoozzed" into this "Tar Baby" trial; When actual Domestic War, Which should be the Focus of our Attention and Preparedness, Which goes unreported by much of the "Gun Rights" media community. Too Narrowly Focused imo.


Sooo many "Dots" that a blind man can see them/their overall Pogrom Goals.

I can only encourage those that are aware of our national situational demise to be pre-pared and Do More of what is necessary to increase preparedness.

Future "Tourist" Attacks will be by Groups, Trained Military Groups from the "Newcomer" Invasion.

Local Police will be overwhelmed by these multiple and simultaneous attacks. It is going to be Domestic War, that the Coupist DC gov Created, and will "pivot" a pretended Response by declaring Martial Law on We/Me/You. It's just Bolshevik 101 playbook.

If I was JoBama, or other democRat NWO Commies in charge, (Cia/FIB/DHS/DOD) , This would occur Prior to the '24 sElections, Certainly Afterwards IF Trump Wins. 2025 = 1775 Si vis pacem para bellum

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Hunter's faux trial was just a symptom of a much larger problem that is headed our way.

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and the Gun Orgs need to get a Reality Grip. GOA, AFA, NAGR, NRA, and the state based orgs as well.

All I get are Lame surveys and requests for more $$$ for What??? Sure they Do necessary Legal Work that is expensive, I get that, But It's All Defensive!!!

If they would just put out at least One Letter on "WHY" the 2nd Amendment is Vital, and it's not just for home invasions, and street criminals..... or target shooting competitions /hunting.

As an example, I get emails from GA Gun Owners to contact my Federal DC Representatives to protect the 2nd Amendment. Totally Irrelevant, with 2 Bolshevik democRat US Senators from GA. they just Laugh at the rubes in the rural counties..

Stolen sElections have Consequences especially in JawGA with rinoRats in State Gov allowing democRats like Fani Willis to run crooked counties. Atty Gen Clueless Carr (R) aka "Dindu Nuffin" is the epitome of the 3 blind mice. The "Davos" Governor Kemp, and Ruthless Ratsburger Sec Stateless ruling the sElections.

So that's just the Facts on the Ground ...... a Transit Bus was just Hijacked in Atlanteer, btw.

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If we don’t elect DJT in November of this year the Republic will be none recoverable. And we must win the Senate and the House to be able to hold the criminals accountable! What a shit show!

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and IF the "Elections" prove "Unsatisfactory" to MAGA...... or more probably Unsatisfactory to the Deep Statist Coupists ??? any Plan "B's" ???

Plan B's come from Individual Preparedness, not from Grub-Mint$, btw.

I wish us All Well.

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>>Joe has claimed he will never pardon Hunter, but that is not the question the corporate media should be shouting at him

Indeed, unless Hunter is sentenced to prison time and ordered to go to prison BEFORE THE ELECTION, this question is meaningless. We all know that Slow Joe Biden would have no qualms about proving out his LIE on the day AFTER the votes are tallied. Win or lose, Hunter gets daddy's pardon.

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The US Supreme Court just ruled against the ban on bump stocks.

This is another victory for our right to keep and bear arms, uninfringed. Bump stocks were made to make shooting a rifle (especially AR types) easier for the elderly and the disabled. THANK YOU TO SCOTUS.

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Exactly so. Well said sir!

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So, she just gave the 8 guns away and lost the retail value that she’d never spent on maintaining her drug use?

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So, I missed the part about Hunter trafficking guns and 2 or more sold to criminals(other prohibited persons). Tell me more about parity with this woman’s crimes.

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I don't put a lot of stock into anything the ATF alleges, especially when they accuse someone of trafficking guns. They claimed Bryan Malinowski trafficked guns too, but we'll never know. They shot him in the head.

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You obviously missed the part about women & children being burned alive in Waco under Bubba Clintoon's ATF/FIB for fabricated gun charges.

Have some "parity", Comrade.

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and there aren’t any Jan 6ers sitting in prison for “tresspassing” either. One man has been imprisoned 3 years without a Trial.

You are contemptable in your compliance.

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So, David Koresh had a NFA Tax stamp for the .50 cal MaDuce he used on the agents executing the initial search attempt? Terrible botched raid, but ever have to negotiate with a megalomaniac with a Messiah complex?

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Just “Another “Botched Raid” when the County Sheriff knew Koresh and could have handled meeting with him??? You Sir will Ask Pemission to get a Permit to Breathe from your Tyrant Masters.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”― Samuel Adams

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Abolish the ATF and the BCF (Biden Crime Family) 😎

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