As bad — at least in the day-to-day — are the businesses that post legally binding “no guns allowed” signs that only keep out law-abiding carriers. (CC: Whole Foods, Sprouts Market, Half Price Books, and H-Mart to name a few.) These businesses are actively creating a less safe environment. In an urban environment, I don’t mind the signs prohibiting OPEN carry as open carry freaks people out and can cause them to call the police and waste their and your time, but I cannot accept signs prohibiting concealed carry. I’m starting to send polite emails to their management informing them that the only people those signs keep out are the legally armed citizens who would have been there to defend their patrons from the deranged psycho who didn’t care a whit about their sign. These signs do nothing but give their woke clientele a false sense of security.

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Preach! I've been saying this for years. We have the most powerful weapon in existence. It doesn't take ammunition, you don't need a permit to carry it, in fact it's legal to conceal in every state and country in the whole wide world! It's our wallet. I just can't comprehend the idea that those who believe in the constitution so adamantly will choose to spend their money with businesses that want to strip their customers of their God given rights. I vote daily with my wallet making the hard decisions on where to spend my hard earned money.

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AMEN, brother!

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This one has been the hardest but remember Amazon and it's employees were for the censorship of a sitting POTUS and taking down the freedom loving social media platform Parler.

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That's an amazingly large list.

Too many people in the USA that claim to love this country don't understand what they're doing when they support a 'fundamental transformation' - the restructuring of foundational elements.

Of course, there must be equally as many who actually DO understand what they're doing - but I can't understand them.

They lie when claiming to love this country.

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Way to go, Lee! Finally a comprehensive list.

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