If they could just see how much gun violence they could prevent by sending every gun through anger management classes...

Really, though, imagine how much violence they could prevent in the country if they only kept violent criminals behind bars and properly treated the mentally ill.

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Yep, and just think about this. The kind of prosecutors that these people support would let the wacko that shot her out of jail or his rubber room.

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democrats are Bolsheviks. People just do not comprehend what that means. Crime must Soar, Police must Be Defunded. Then When these 2 vectors coincide the Bolshevik democRats will REHIRE THUG ProgreSSive POLEZI.

Look at the "caliber" of FIB today. Just wait till you see the New Armed IRS Thugs.

Obama Did Promise a National Police Force equal to the Armed forces. Obama Is The Current Resident.

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I wish I could argue with that.

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It would appear that Janelle Perez has latched onto a "cash cow".

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Good. Let her burn her money up here., as I'm pretty sure that we're not going to fold under her commie human wave assault.

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Mark Kelly's sock-puppet has several loose screws. Instead of demanding the death sentence for creeps like the loose cannon that shot her, she demands punishment for the 99+ percent of good Americans who never hurt anyone. Let's ensure that the sock-puppet's garbage spirals down in flames.

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Even the Crooked Repubs in JawGa passed Constitutional Carry, Open Carry is Already Legal. Florida is Way Behind in Gun Rights. BTW, Most LE will OPPOSE any further 2nd Amend Rights. Why? It should be obvious they don't like Armed Citizens, ProgreSSive POLEZI never do. Constitutional Sheriffs like Armed Citizens and Do Not Fear Them.

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So, Wasserman Schultz, and you'd think with a name like that, that Debbie Dum-Dum would know better, is using poor Gabby to further her own agenda.

You cannot help but to have some sympathy for Gabby Giffords, but imo she's being used, just ask Cindy Shehan how well that works out.

The only option we have is to keep Val Demmings out of the Senate. Yes, Rubio has his faults, but he did not vote for any of the latest gun grab schemes.

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Lee, are you tracking THIS? -


Didn't know how else to reach you, but this happened just south of us.

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We used to call these people carpetbaggers. Smug opportunists with a wrapped sense of their place in someone else's community. We should make them feel very unwelcome. Peacefully but very unambiguously.

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