Oh, my, I so love starting out a new day with joyful news.

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Oct 10Liked by Lee Williams

Outstanding make my day news Lee! You’re sure on top of these communist.. It’s time to rid this country of these corrupt politicians and fools. People have better start waking up when they vote. All of these shenanigans start at the local level! It’s time to vote smarter! Go on line and vet everyone you are voting for! Period…

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Oct 10Liked by Lee Williams

Your statement about these shenanigans starting at the local level must have given us that old saying, 'all politics is local'.

I'm baffled that not one of the councilmen didn't know the law or research Florida's preemption law on firearm laws. I'm beginning to think that some of the most ignorant people hold these positions of power. And the police chief to go along with this non-sense. Just disgusting; no excuse.

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Too Bad So Sad, "Ignorance of the Law is No Excuse" is what the mere citizens are told in court.

If the State Attorney is AWOL in the face of blatant illegality then it's up to WeMeYou to prosecute them as We would be prosecuted for sure.

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"But we didn't enforce it." LOL Totally agree. Florida Carry will likely have to file suit because local officials won't. They won't even admit they did anything wrong.

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"They won't even admit they did anything wrong."- Lee Williams' quote above

And they never will admit that they did wrong. It would open the biggest can of worms ever seen for this law suit. BTW, have you ever heard of any government agency ever admit to doing something wrong?

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Oct 10Liked by Lee Williams

This is proceeding well. But, does it take a 'special agent' to enforce federal laws?

It was my understanding an arrest for breaking federal laws didn't take any additional authority beyond that of local or state officers, it was just the prosecution of those laws that was special.

The state preemption law was only one of the laws that were broken.

If we, as 'the people', don't insist that our employees enforce all legitimate laws, how can we insist that we live under the rule of law?

I believe there were at least two other laws violated by their actions. These were federal laws.

18 U.S.C.

§ 241 - Conspiracy Against Rights


§ 242 - Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

The Federal Govt seems to have been changing the effectiveness of the laws, but they haven't actually changed them. Yet.

They want to hide it, but Civil Rights is about a lot more than just "discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity), disability, religion, familial status, national origin, and citizenship status." *1

*1 - https://www.justice.gov/crt - Civil Rights Division, U.S. Dept of Justice

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It seems government, even in Florida, overlooks civil rights abuse if the amendment violated is the Second. Time for that to end.

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Long past the time for that to end.

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Only one way for that to happen.

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I’m friends with Jimmy Patronis and his brother Theo. I’ve met the whole family through my business. I personally know Jimmy doesn’t feel that way. His own Dad and uncle were avid hunters. I’ll personally talk to him if needed! They own Captain Anderson’s restaurant here in Panama City Beach. It’s a damn good restaurant..

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Oct 10Liked by Lee Williams

Google says his excuse doesn't check out.

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Hang the anti 2A communist traitors*Rearm Now**

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Outstanding! Time for the tyrants to get hit in the only place they will ever really understand and that is their own bank accounts. Kudos to Florida Carry & Lee Williams for being the spear of gun rights in Florida!

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The idea of a “preemption law” seems so arbitrary that it makes them look absurd. It’s going to hurt them more knowing that the community has lost confidence in them than the small fine that comes out of their wallets. “Mistake,” my donkey’s rear.

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