Well Lee the only thing I would add, right wrong or otherwise, is that the only time I can remember the NRA even acknowledging GOA was in Marion Hammer's email criticizing GOA over this.

The people at the NRA have no qualms about taking credit for thing s GOA as well as SAF do but never give credit where credit is do.

Don't get me wrong on this as Ms. Hammer has done a lot for Florida, but the current situation within the NRA has a lot of gun owners as well as advocates wondering what is going on there.

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I am a Benefactor level Life Member of the NRA. If I hadn't wasted my money there I would be a life member of GOA! Until the NRA gets rid of LaPierre and the rest of the crooks at the top...need I say more? I don't remember seeing many upper level NRA pukes here in Texas until the SIGNING of the bill for open/Constitutional carry! They were NOT here helping GOA very much!

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If Valdes and GOA are such insignificant piss ants, then why in the hell is the NRA and their proxy attacking them with such fury? The NRA is a dying monster that refuses to see their own faults. Rather than using their weight to actually do some heavy lifting, they'd rather attack those that are. How many more NRA life members like myself can they afford to shed?

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I don't completely agree with this article. If Byrd was a super close friend of our community he would "waste time" and let Sabatini's bills be heard in committee. It generates EXCITEMENT and drama and lets people know it's a thing. Lead by example. FL Carry, NRA are wrong. As a Fl Carry life member I'm displeased.

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Hey Lee, you might want to go after your own organization.

Two of your own Board Members attacked Cord Byrd by saying he was a sellout for pushing HB 259. They said that the "gun rights are being sold out by the NRA and Republicans in Florida". One of them was a founding member. Who also got caught lying by the way about everything that's going on.

For being such a great investigative journalist. You sure failed there.

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Cord Byrd hasn't even cosponsored constitutional carry or campus carry in his years of holding office.

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Lee Williams and Marion Hammer are like a cancer to the 2A community. If I had invested the same amount of financial support to GOA as I have for the corrupt NRA we'd be much further along in the fight to regain our lost rights. Lee needs to suck it up and admit he backed himself into a corner. It's sad he has to resort to slander and attacks on the most active NO COMPROMISE 2A organization in America.

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Lee are you going to update this? Do you support constitutional carry?

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This whole business is concerning. Calling out a Senator, nothing wrong with that. Clearly the Senator was taking “directions” to make sure Constitutional Carry never went anywhere. The concerning part beyond that is that he is being protected by people of influence and the party. Attacking anyone who dares challenge Senator, or his allies who have gone astray, should cause the Florida 2a community to pause. Florida did not get Constitutional Carry. Why? Because the party and its allies didn’t want it. Period. Now pet the kitty. And why isn’t the long time “champion” demanding answers? Party first, Constitution a distant thought maybe. If we let champions, politicians, or allies hide behind their past records, or legislative lobbying grades we are domed to continue to swallow their excuses. And only they benefit, not the citizens or members they supposedly represent.

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So since you are blaming the failure of the Republican legislative SUPER MAJORITY for not passing constitutional carry on Republican leadership, exactly WHAT are you and your organization doing to change the party leadership? Hmmmm? What Luis Valdes IS DOING is to call out the weak knees that are caving on their supposed bedrock principles to appease the money changers that run the party. They'd rather represent their leadership than their electorate.

The Republican leadership has their heads so far up the behinds of the Chamber of Commerce it's pathetic. The CoC doesn't give a damn about our gun rights or the border. They're just fine with Disney banning self defense firearms locked in employee's cars. The Republican leadership thinks he who has the biggest war chest wins. That's been proven wrong so may times even they should understand that "It's voter trust and enthusiasm, stupid."

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Sorry, but after reviewing the articles, I believe GOA, I don't believe you.

The proven fact (by inspection) that "companion bills" are NOT necessary in order to get legislation passed in Florida simply destroys your whole argument.

The fact that in a Republican-controlled legislature, they cannot manage to get ONE pro-gun bill passed in a session supports and underscores GOA's complaint.

You'd do better to take the L and regroup.

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As far as I can tell, GOA is the *ONLY* 2A rights org that is diligently working as hard as they can to eliminate the need for their existence. Meanwhile, the NRA and others are all too willing to "compromise". It seems they need to maintain a constant threat to 2A rights in order to scare the saps & rubes to keep that sweet, sweet membership & donation money flowing in.

How else can the NRA maintain adequate stock levels in their warehouse dedicated to storing the supply of LaPierre's single-use, gold plated toilets? And has the NRA successfully, or even substantively, opposed any new anti-gun legislation since Sandy Hook?

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So when's the retraction and apology coming?

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Hey Lee.... I guess Rep. Sabatini proved you wrong.


Constitutional Carry was filed as HB 103. Rep. Sabatini pledged he'd introduce it and he confirmed with GOA that it was in the process of getting a bill number.

But you stated the following about it.

"Anyone who has ever worked at the capitol knows that politicians love to talk about what they’re “fixing on filing,” but a bill isn’t a bill until it’s actually filed. Any pro-gun state director should know this."

Your a piece of work Lee. Any REAL pro-gun state director knows the real process and you sure ain't one.

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