I'll take all the immigrants like this guy.

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Yes, for some reason it takes an immigrant to tell U.S. what we cannot or will not see.

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You're so right. I've seen it dozens of times before.

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Some people question how a bureau like the AFT (Let's go Brandon!) could have become so far offbase from their original mission. If you look past the headline, there IS a particular group of people who are directly responsible. They're widely known but for some reason avoid the notoriety. They're actually responsible for most of the problem agencies in government.

They're called: The United States Congress. They provide the basic guidance and limits for these agencies. They also provide the funding.

It's far past time for term limits and the actions taken by Buchanan are good examples of why. When elected to congress, if members are willing to 'play ball' with the ruling elite, they're allowed entry into a protected class of people. That alone violates the meaning of our Constitution, but then they proceed to play games with our legislative process. The truly important actions that SHOULD have legislation drafted and passed are never addressed because they make great election campaign tools.

Good luck to Mr Hyde. We need more like him. I hope he's as real as he seems.

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I have doubts about ATF being abolished. Reagan said he'd abolish the Department of Education when it was only a few years old and that didn't happen.

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It’s too bad that at times it takes an immigrant to show Americans what we have to fight for. We should already have it ingrained in our American souls.

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I wish I could vote for him !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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