4 hrs agoLiked by Lee Williams

A few other points that I'd like to make is that he REALLY should've known better. He's also a FL native for pete's sake., a Ft Pierce boy, not some out of state import that retired in NY and walked into the position.

Its funny to see the city of Okeechobee restrict and remove the comments that folks left on their official social media post regarding this. They were getting called out big time. I seriously doubt anyone paid any attention to the chief's ham handed attempt at tyranny if they were aware of it at all.

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The mayor and city council must have forced his hand, because this seems incomprehensible considering where they located., as in it's not Broward County.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Lee Williams

Here in South Carolina, the Governor can and does remove public officials for malfeasance in carrying out official duties or public corruption. Time for Gov deSantis to step up if he has similar powers.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Lee Williams

This is 100% something for Ashley Moody to get reactive on. We settled this issue in Louisiana post-Katrina. EVERYONE from the mayor's office to the chief,who went along with this and signed off on it needs to be booted post-haste.

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Agreed. She needs to enforce preemption. Hard to find a clearer violation.

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That’s exactly the time you should have firearms.

Fucking politicians.

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I know, right? Idiots.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Lee Williams

I’m in Okeechobee all the time. Hard to believe a police chief there would even imagine doing this. I’m sore it was laughed at by 99% of the citizens. That’s a very southern town full of cattlemen. The police chief should be removed by our governor.

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Florida Statute 870.045 mentions curfews, alcoholic beverages and gasoline but not a single word on firearms -- no doubt because any such prohibitions would violate Florida's preemption law.


One wonders if that hick cop or any of the Okeechobee City Council members even bothered to read the statute cited in their illegal prohibitions.

Gov. DeSantis should take strong action against Hagan as a message to other wannabe tyrants with guns and badges, but I seriously doubt he will. Politicians tend to go light on fellow politicians.

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I "Do Not Like", but thanks for the Reminder !!! ........ it's not Okeechobee but the USSA that is the warnining in this post. 37 Days is it ? to the Beginning of the Chaos ??? zzzzzz What you saying ???

democRats installed by the Coup of 2020 are just going to be content to abide by the election of 2024

Sure thing, Comrades. Demoncrazy loves you sooo much It will Never leave You....... willingly.

CYA = Conduct Yourselves Accordingly because IF Me/We/You can overcome their Cheat, it will be almost 3 months before Trump can become president again. Buy/Obtain your supplies Now,

btw... Include Food if you are partial to eating :-)

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Lee, you’ve got to be F’n kidding me! Ron DeSantis can’t let this stand. Okeechobee of all places! What did a bunch of New York demonrat locusts end up on the county commission or something? It’s time they end up as part of the swamp! Try to come and get mine! F’n swamp rat Communist…

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Who would think that a small community such as the City of Okeechobee would pass such Bravo Sierra. I haven't been out that way lately but it sure was rural last time I was there.

There can only be one explanation and that is that this is all political. This was clearly passed to "Wack the hornets' nest" for lack of a better description. Yep, create any situation that will drain our resources.

This is something you'd expect in Broward or Palm Beach Counties not out in God's Country.

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"Newcomers" Country ??? Have the Libtard Yankees invaded the City and County ???

Last time I passed thru was 24 years ago.

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