What can you say about this? A 24 man team to execute a search warrant on someone who is an LEO and is cooperative? The ATF just likes to dress up like operators and play special forces. As an aside, I assumed those "Chinese" outfits selling filters were a Fed operation all along to entrap people. In a country overrun with illegal aliens and violent crime, the Feds seem to prefer to manufacture new "criminals" to go after.
After reading that, Lee, I took a moment of silent reflection before replying.
Some men have actually kicked in doors in far away hot places and still have the attitude, skills, and reflexes of old rattlesnakes. ATF goons are going to play billy badass at the wrong house one day and see their stack obliterated, leaving behind innocent grieving widows and fatherless children.
The sad part is, it's completely avoidable. If they'd quit making up their own law interpretations and stick to their original already onerous charter, there'd be a whole let less stories like this. Trust in government is at an all-time low for a reason, and this chucklehead agency is a prime reason.
Brandon Hererra is an SOT 2/7 FL and knows their business as well as anyone. I'm pretty sure that Bondi is no fan of his and will torpedo him as Director completely at her first chance, but a man can dream.
Why are they so obsessed with silencers (suppressors)? Movies and TV I guess, where everything sounds like an air rifle. If only they worked that well…
I sincerely hope I never have to use a firearm for defense (or offense), but if I ever do - I could care less about how loud it is or isn’t.
An outrage. And unfortunately, there seem to be many stories like this of lives destroyed by overzealous authoritarian law enforcement personnel and prosecutors. Let's hope the next BATFE director takes a hard look at restructuring this agency.
Trump - please abolish the ATF. If it's not abolished then appoint people who will protect our Constitutional freedoms, not appointments that will continue to take them away and punish us for exercising our rights.
President Trump is very busy, Atty Gen Pam Bondi just got sworn in, BUT Tyranny overlooked Rots Out a Society. Too many Patriots were imprisoned on bogus* Jan 6th charges, Patriots are still imprisoned on Bogus Charges, Jeremy Brown & Patrick Adamiak, and this former Air Marshall Schieferle.
The "Excuse" of just "Following Orders" smacks of the Good German Polezi from WW2. No Excuse!!!
The 1/2-28 fuel filter won't filter liquids or gasses. I can't tell from the image of the item in the middle if the conical components have holes at the apex if they do the diameter is too large to block the flow of any particle smaller than a pebble. If no holes the clearance between tube ID would have to be 1 micron for gas or 10-30 microns for diesel fuel primary filtration. Also. 1/2-28 is not a thread for pipe or O-Ring Boss hydraulic hose & tubing. 1/2-28 is the thread used on rifle muzzles. I believe him not knowing the item was either a suppressor kit; because, being a air marshal he would not risk getting busted and loosing his job foe saving the $200 dollar tax & time required to get the ATF approval of a form 1.
It is technical geek talk re. why the item isn't what the seller says it is. The physical characteristics don't fit a gas or liquid filter. Also, the inlet & outlet ports don't match any international standard.
Bad enough that the government prosecutor's were corrupt, but then Schieferle's defense counsel was IMHO rather impotent and cowed by the big, bad FedGov ADAs.
Pray that Pres. Trump will rein in or abolish this lawless agency called BATFE. Have any of these abuses by ATF caught the eye of Pres. Trump? One can only wonder...
The bottom line here is that ATF - and FBI - are police agencies and “general police powers” are reserved, not delegated. Both agencies are unconstitutional usurpations of State 10A authority and should be closed down.
OMG! Lee that piece was completely insane. And how the ATF entered the house knowing that he was an Air Marshal with a wife and children inside. Every one of the agents involved should be behind bars. Not the Air Marshal. DOGE needs to make quick work of that agency and make sure that they lock them out of their computers before sending their asses out the door!
And a great interview with Mark Walters on AAR the other day. I’m glad to see that Mark and Greg finally are posting live on X.
Can't wait for DOGE to take on ATF.
What can you say about this? A 24 man team to execute a search warrant on someone who is an LEO and is cooperative? The ATF just likes to dress up like operators and play special forces. As an aside, I assumed those "Chinese" outfits selling filters were a Fed operation all along to entrap people. In a country overrun with illegal aliens and violent crime, the Feds seem to prefer to manufacture new "criminals" to go after.
That's exactly it -- they like to play SF!!!
After reading that, Lee, I took a moment of silent reflection before replying.
Some men have actually kicked in doors in far away hot places and still have the attitude, skills, and reflexes of old rattlesnakes. ATF goons are going to play billy badass at the wrong house one day and see their stack obliterated, leaving behind innocent grieving widows and fatherless children.
The sad part is, it's completely avoidable. If they'd quit making up their own law interpretations and stick to their original already onerous charter, there'd be a whole let less stories like this. Trust in government is at an all-time low for a reason, and this chucklehead agency is a prime reason.
Totally agree, FL. Gotta wonder the DT will do something about the ATF...
Brandon Hererra is an SOT 2/7 FL and knows their business as well as anyone. I'm pretty sure that Bondi is no fan of his and will torpedo him as Director completely at her first chance, but a man can dream.
Already happened in Waco Tx. ATF started a fight they couldn't finish, so the FIB came in to Burn Out American women & children.
We all slept through this Clinton Regime Barbarism, so It Continues to this day.
Why are they so obsessed with silencers (suppressors)? Movies and TV I guess, where everything sounds like an air rifle. If only they worked that well…
I sincerely hope I never have to use a firearm for defense (or offense), but if I ever do - I could care less about how loud it is or isn’t.
An outrage. And unfortunately, there seem to be many stories like this of lives destroyed by overzealous authoritarian law enforcement personnel and prosecutors. Let's hope the next BATFE director takes a hard look at restructuring this agency.
How about No More BATFE ??? or just relegate them to Tobacco ???
Alcohol is a State Issue. Explosives can go to another agency. Firearms are covered in the 2nd Amendment with Federal Judicial support.
There were over 250,000 Feral LE prior to the Biden Coup gov. Too much, States & County Sheriffs need to take up their LE responsibilites.
Governments inheriently oppose Citizens Freedoms.
The Bureau of Tobacco. Yeah, I could live with that. :)
Burn it down. It is corrupt and can't be fixed.
Honestly, this agency shouldn’t exist.
This is one of 100's of 1000's of reasons why We, the People no longer have any use for Government.
He’s a fortunate man, taking into account the ATF’S trigger happy raiders.
Trump - please abolish the ATF. If it's not abolished then appoint people who will protect our Constitutional freedoms, not appointments that will continue to take them away and punish us for exercising our rights.
Abolish ATF & their Bureaucrazy Regulations
Another agency that needs to be dismantled.
At least they didn't shoot his dog!
I was hoping Trump would put Brandon Herrera in charge of the ATF.
Somebody needs to clean it up.
He still has time to do it!
President Trump is very busy, Atty Gen Pam Bondi just got sworn in, BUT Tyranny overlooked Rots Out a Society. Too many Patriots were imprisoned on bogus* Jan 6th charges, Patriots are still imprisoned on Bogus Charges, Jeremy Brown & Patrick Adamiak, and this former Air Marshall Schieferle.
The "Excuse" of just "Following Orders" smacks of the Good German Polezi from WW2. No Excuse!!!
What is it going to Take to get Justice???
Unbelievable that this Can Happen!
The 1/2-28 fuel filter won't filter liquids or gasses. I can't tell from the image of the item in the middle if the conical components have holes at the apex if they do the diameter is too large to block the flow of any particle smaller than a pebble. If no holes the clearance between tube ID would have to be 1 micron for gas or 10-30 microns for diesel fuel primary filtration. Also. 1/2-28 is not a thread for pipe or O-Ring Boss hydraulic hose & tubing. 1/2-28 is the thread used on rifle muzzles. I believe him not knowing the item was either a suppressor kit; because, being a air marshal he would not risk getting busted and loosing his job foe saving the $200 dollar tax & time required to get the ATF approval of a form 1.
It is technical geek talk re. why the item isn't what the seller says it is. The physical characteristics don't fit a gas or liquid filter. Also, the inlet & outlet ports don't match any international standard.
Bad enough that the government prosecutor's were corrupt, but then Schieferle's defense counsel was IMHO rather impotent and cowed by the big, bad FedGov ADAs.
Pray that Pres. Trump will rein in or abolish this lawless agency called BATFE. Have any of these abuses by ATF caught the eye of Pres. Trump? One can only wonder...
The bottom line here is that ATF - and FBI - are police agencies and “general police powers” are reserved, not delegated. Both agencies are unconstitutional usurpations of State 10A authority and should be closed down.
OMG! Lee that piece was completely insane. And how the ATF entered the house knowing that he was an Air Marshal with a wife and children inside. Every one of the agents involved should be behind bars. Not the Air Marshal. DOGE needs to make quick work of that agency and make sure that they lock them out of their computers before sending their asses out the door!
And a great interview with Mark Walters on AAR the other day. I’m glad to see that Mark and Greg finally are posting live on X.
We’re living in exciting times.